Verwenden Sie benutzerdefinierte Kartenschichten, um die georäumlichen Fähigkeiten von Oracle Analytics zu nutzen.
World Countries map layer with high fidelity boundaries.
Custom map layer showing airports worldwide using point geometry coordinates.
India Map with latest States and their Boundaries.
Depicts map of USA with all counties and their boundaries. Sample .dva showing water consumption data per person for each county.
Show zip code boundaries for mainland United States. Analyze data on Maps at zip code level in USA.
Map depicting arena layout in Oracle DV. Sample dva example included.
Non geographic custom map layer showing different rooms/sections on the floor plan.
Custom map layer for France showing all the latest departements within the country of France.
Example of line geometry depicting Metro lines in Washington DC. Sample dva project included.
Four different layers for Brazilian Territorial States, Mesoregions, Microregions and Cities shapes. Sample dva project included.
Three different layers for the country of Spain including, communities, municipalities, provinces. Sample dva project included.
leverage GeoJson for building your own China map visualization. Sample dva project included.
Map layer for cities in USA. It includes ,City Name, Location (latitude & longitude), its State name and State code.
Map layer for Canadian provinces. Sample dva project included.
GeoJson hex tile U.S map layer. Use with any state driven data
Sample map layer (geoJSON) for Peruvian departments & provinces. Sample dva project included.
The NUTS classification (nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) is a hierarchical system for dividing up economic territory of the EU.
Custom map layers for Mexico City, along with a sample project and dataset
Map layer for the country of Japan, sample pre-built dv project included
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