Communications Human Capital Management

Adapt to a changing communications industry by bringing in the best talent, providing opportunities for career growth, and preparing your team to meet your most important goals.

Gartner® восьмой год подряд называет Oracle лидером в сфере облачных HCM-решений

Узнайте, почему компания Oracle была названа лидером магического квадранта за 2023 г. в категории облачных HCM-пакетов для предприятий с численностью персонала от 1000 человек и шестой год занимает крайнее правое место по оси «полнота видения».*

Adapt your workforce for a 5G, digital future

Create one set of people processes and one employee experience

Plan for your people’s future with a single data source. Build consistent HR practices across the globe. Speak to each employee in his or her language.

Explore Oracle Human Resources

Fill open positions faster

Create simple experiences for candidates to apply for jobs. Automatically surface the best candidates for open positions.

Explore Oracle Recruiting (PDF)

Attract the best candidates for the best customer care

Attract and retain the talent you need to compete in the 5G world. Find the talent gaps that could hold back your strategic initiatives.

Explore Oracle Talent Management

Quickly get new employees up to speed

Simplify your employee experience with automatic onboarding and friendly self-service that reaches your people in your stores, in the call center, at the corporate office, and at home.

Explore Onboarding

“Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud enabled us to create a comprehensive, up-to-date, and highly effective human resources environment. We have gained remarkable recruitment analytics, greatly simplifying our hiring process while reducing costs by 30%.”

João Pedro Cavalcanti Sant’Anna

CRM Director, Oi Participações

Build a customer-obsessed culture

Align your team’s performance goals and measure what matters to your business.

Explore Oracle Performance Management (PDF)

Improve decision making

Take advantage of a single version of the truth to standardize processes and be strategic about your workforce decisions.

Explore Oracle HCM Analytics

Discover how our customers experience Oracle Communications

Explore more customer stories
MCM Telecom matches employee skills to jobs using Oracle
Indus Towers recruits candidates 2X faster and makes better hiring decisions

Find resources and more

Develop your Oracle Cloud HCM skills

Build cloud skills, validate expertise, and accelerate adoption with learning solutions from Oracle University

Customers win with HR innovation

Learn about the latest HCM product capabilities and what our customers are saying.

Oracle Cloud HCM overview

Oracle Cloud HCM is a complete solution, natively built on a single platform across all HR processes, including recruiting, global HR, compensation, benefits, talent management, learning, workforce planning, work life solutions, time tracking, and payroll.

Get started with Oracle Communications

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See a live demo of our HCM for Communications solutions.

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Questions about our solutions? Reach out and ask a question.

* Компания Gartner не дает гарантий относительно каких-либо поставщиков, продуктов или услуг, упоминаемых в ее исследовательских публикациях, и не рекомендует выбирать исключительно поставщиков с наивысшими оценками или другими рейтингами. Публикации Gartner отражают мнение исследовательской компании Gartner и не должны толковаться как констатация факта. Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Cloud HCM Suites for 1,000+ Employee Enterprises, Ranadip Chandra, Sam Grinter, Ron Hanscome, Chris Pang, Anand Chouksey, Josie Xing, Harsh Kundulli, David Bobo, Laura Gardiner, Hiten Sheth, Jackie Watrous, Travis Wickesberg (дата публикации: 18 октября 2023 г.).

GARTNER является зарегистрированным товарным и сервисным знаком, а Magic Quadrant — зарегистрированным товарным знаком компании Gartner, Inc. и/или ее филиалов в США и других странах. Оба знака используются здесь с разрешения. Все права защищены.

Это изображение было опубликовано компанией Gartner, Inc. в составе более крупного исследовательского документа и должно оцениваться в контексте всего документа. Этот документ Gartner доступен по запросу от Oracle.