The Top 10 Benefits of Cloud Computing

March 3, 2022

Cloud Computing Defined

Cloud computing benefits organizations in many ways. In fact, the benefits are so numerous that it makes it almost impossible not to consider moving business operations to a cloud-based platform. And yet many organizations rely on outdated and inefficient processes because they don’t understand the benefits.

This article breaks down the top 10 benefits of cloud computing for all organizations considering adopting a cloud-based system.

Accessibility Anywhere, With Any Device

each branch or office across various states or countries. The improved accessibility doesn’t just impact employees; clients and customers can also log in to an account and access their information as well. This ensures everyone has up-to-date information whether they’re at the office or on the go.

Ability to Get Rid of Most or All Hardware and Software

With cloud computing, you’re no longer required to have your own server, cables, network switches, backup generators, redundant routers, and so on. Depending on the cloud provider you choose, they can manage all of this for a monthly fee. Reducing expenses is essential in any business model and every cloud-based platform benefits from this factor alone.

Centralized Data Security

When you use cloud computing, data backups are centralized in the cloud providers' data centers, removing the need for individual users or teams to maintain their own backups onsite or offsite. This lowers the risk of data loss should any one backup fail or be destroyed by a disaster. Cloud providers can restore the data from another copy maintained in their cloud storage, which is continuously updated with every piece of data added.

Teams can take advantage of cloud security technologies such as data encryption and two-factor authentication for greater privacy than they'd have when relying on their own equipment or servers at home or in the office. Oracle uses a security-first cloud architecture with automated protection built in.

Higher Performance and Availability

By using cloud computing resources together simultaneously, you reap greater performance gains than by having your own dedicated server hardware. Cloud computing increases input/output operations per second (IOPS). Oracle cloud delivers as much as 20X the IOPS of Amazon Web Services.

Learn about cloud computing economics

Cloud services also offer high availability with no downtime because they’re distributed across multiple cloud facilities. Cloud providers are responsible for updating cloud systems and fixing bugs and security issues in cloud software, which is transparent to end users.

Quick Application Deployment

Unpredictable business needs often require cloud computing resources on short notice. You can improve your cloud application development by quickly deploying cloud applications because they are readily available without the need to procure additional hardware or wait for IT staff to set up servers.

In addition you can choose from a broad range of services that support different types of cloud infrastructure technologies.

Instant Business Insights

Cloud-based platforms provide a unique opportunity to access data as soon as it’s collected. This facilitates better decision-making as well as insight into what the future may hold for your organization based on predictions from historical data.

Business Continuity

In the event of disaster or unforeseen circumstances, do you have an effective backup plan? If not, relying on cloud computing services can benefit your organization. Cloud computing uses infinite data storage space and systems that can be activated remotely if necessary to ensure business continuity.

Price-Performance and Cost Savings

Although an initial financial investment is required to implement a cloud strategy, organizations save substantial amounts in the long run because they don’t have to maintain expensive hardware or local data centers. Also, since there are no upfront costs to use cloud-based systems, businesses can test them out before investing in them at their own pace. Oracle provides price-performance and flexible sizing.

Learn more about cloud pricing

Virtualized Computing

Cloud computing is perfect for virtualized computer environments because cloud resources can be allocated instantly to support significant increases in demand so you never experience downtime again. With cloud computing, your business can expand its capabilities almost effortlessly to meet growing demands without increasing staff or capital expenditures.

Cloud Computing is Greener

Cloud computing is a greener technology than traditional IT solutions. By moving to the cloud, businesses can reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint by up to 90%. Rather than having in-house servers and software, businesses can use cloud-based services to access the same applications and data from any computer or device with an internet connection. This eliminates the need for businesses to purchase and maintain their own IT infrastructure.

If you're looking for a greener, more cost-effective way to deliver your IT services, consider moving to the cloud.

Learn how Oracle Cloud Infrastructure can offer you all these benefits

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