Oracle Analytics 扩展

利用自定义扩展来扩展和增强 Oracle Analytics 部署,进一步增强您的可视化功能。

Oracle Analytics 扩展

  • Marimekko chart

    A Marimekko chart is a combination of a 100% stacked column chart and a 100% stacked bar chart. It is similar to a Treemap with dimensional values represented by the length and width of each rectangle that are proportional to the value of the column.

  • The Menu Bar

    The Menu Bar extension offers a straightforward way for authors to add buttons and single-level menus to their workbooks. The menus are powered by a simple JSON template, making setup and adjustments easy.

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  • Open in Mobile QR Code

    The Open in Mobile QR Code extension provides an easy way for authors to promote use of mobile access to workbooks. This leverages deep linking so it supports the Oracle Analytics Mobile app along with mobile web use cases. Just add it to your canvas and start scanning!.

  • Scatter Plot Matrix

    A Correlation Scatter Matrix is a grid of scatter plots that displays the relationships between multiple variables in a dataset. Each scatter plot in the matrix visualizes the interaction between a pair of variables, enabling many relationships to be explored in one chart.

  • Org Chart v2

    This Org chart plugin displays the reporting or relationship hierarchy of an organization along with employee profile images. The search option helps you to look up any employee in the chart. Developed in collaboration with the Oracle JAPAC Workforce Intelligence team.

  • Dial gauge

    Dial gauge chart enables users to understand the progress against a set target. This dial gauge comes in different shapes and colors..

  • Row Expander

    Custom visualization plugin that enables a fully interactive drill up/drill down hierarchy experience in Oracle DV.

    Read blog for Row Expander

  • AI Vision Series

    Vision plugin highlights the detected objects with their vertices (x and y coordinates) in the image displayed.

  • Text Highlighter

    Visualize the output from AI language as well as any generic dataset to highlight specific terms, phrases and sentiment.

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  • Calendar Heatmap

    Custom sample plugin showing a Calendar Heatmap Visualization to represent time series data in calendar format.

  • Dumbbell visual

    Interactive custom viz showing differences between two data points. Two circles connected with a bar in the middle. The taller the bar, the higher the variation between data points.

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  • Gantt Chart Sample

    Gantt Visualization to depict the timeframe of tasks/elements.Customized tooltip displaying metrics information, properties to change major/minor time axis and color coding of categorical information make it compelling visualization.

  • Collapsible Tree

    The Collapsible Tree Plugin produces a 'node-link' diagram that lays out the connection between nodes in a way that displays relationship of one node to another in a parent-child fashion.

    Read blog for Collapsible Tree

  • Funnel Sample

    Custom sample plugin showing a Funnel Visualization to depict stages/phases within an overall process.

  • Image Gallery

    An interactive gallery viewer for exposing images as DV view.

  • Elbow Dendrogram

    The “Elbow” Dendrogram creates a hierarchy based Parent-Child like structure with ‘links-arms’ that are bent at a 90° angle. This plugin can render a #measure element and is zoomable.

  • Racing Bars

    Dynamic bar chart showing moving bar values over a lapse of time.

  • Graph Network

    Use this custom visualization plugin to visualize complex relationships between huge amount of elements in the form of graph structures. Entities are displayed as round nodes and the lines show the relationship between them.

    Read blog for Graph Network

  • Circle Pack

    A custom sample plugin showing a CirclePack Visualization that helps to analyze hierarchically structured data. This is the default sample shipped with DVD SDK.

  • DV Governance

    Get an indepth analysis of your DV deployment, idenfity # of projects, datasources, data flows and much more. Includes DV sample

  • Custom Data Actions

    Custom data action to invoke HTTP requests to any REST end point.View the included blog for details on how best to leverage within your OAC deployment

    Read blog for Custom Data Actions

  • Mobile Grid Bars

    Designed specifically for mobile devices highlighting the use of a variety of bar charts.

  • Motion Chart

    Motion chart is an animated bubble chart showing data transformation over a period of time using X axis, Y axis, size and color of the bubble.

  • LinesOnMap Sample

    Draw line geometries on a map using source & destination lat long coordinates.

  • Bullet Sample

    Plot your metrics in a bullet chart visualization. Compare a metric with a target value with an optional marker value thereby conveying lot of information in a compact space.

  • Org Chart

    Org Chart Plugin visualizes the reporting hierarchy of an organization, relationship between the entities and categorization based on color.

  • CalcModifier plugin

    Modify multiple instances of variables in your custom calculations in one pass, giving you the ability to perform light-weight what-if scenarios.

  • Force Directed Graph

    Easily visualize hierarchical data. Each node’s location can be dragged and pinned. Each node is clickable to expand (and collapse) to display subordinate data allowing you to visualize relationships.

    Read blog for Force Directed Graph

  • Value Hierarchy convertor

    Deserialize input data coming in the form of [parent, child] format and output the entire hierarchy in to a level based format, with parent to children on each row.

  • Vertical Waterfall

    Vertical Waterfall is the ‘tipped’ (top-to-bottom) version of what many know as the traditional horizontal (left-to-right) Waterfall chart. By rotating the visualization 90 degrees clockwise, this allows for easy to read text along the y-axis spine of the visualization.

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