充分利用网络切片、IoT 和多方业务模式,打造全新的 5G 和数字服务产品。Oracle 的融合计费和变现解决方案现已全面支持 5G。
了解 Oracle Cloud Scale Charging and Billing“With a modular pre-integrated stack, we avoid the costly and time-consuming process of complex integrations and high level of customizations.This means we can launch, orchestrate, and monetize new offerings as the market demands while delivering an excellent experience for our customers in the process.”
Salam 首席执行官
全面了解 Oracle Communications 应用,以更快速度、更低成本、更低风险交付解决方案。
了解 5G 时代 B2B 变现的五项技术条件。
“We selected Oracle based on its ability to scale to support our rapid growth and numerous business models.With the solution running on Oracle Cloud, Vodafone Business will be able to deliver the best digital experiences and outcomes for our customers, enabling them to effectively charge for services through an integrated app and infrastructure solution.”
Vodafone Business IoT 连接性总监
阅读报告,了解 Oracle Communications Cloud Scale Monetization 产品组合的优势。Oracle 的云原生解决方案可托管在公有云或私有云上,为满足所有规模、所有类型的应用或用例的变现要求。
查看 5G 和数字服务变现解决方案实况演示。
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