Update for Russian and Belarusian companies, subsidiaries, and partners

Oracle, Russia, and Belarus—Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Oracle still operating in Russia and Belarus?

A: In support of our employees and customers in Ukraine, Oracle has withdrawn all operations in the Russian Federation and Belarus. Oracle has also withdrawn all services and support for Russian and Belarusian companies, subsidiaries and partners.

Oracle products and services are currently not authorized for export, re-export, transfer to, or use in Russia or Belarus. Oracle will not explore alternative mechanisms to provide support or services to affected entities (such as allowing services to be re-subscribed in an authorized location or using third-party support “partners”).

Oracle is not taking orders for any products or services under any existing agreements and will not enter into any new agreements.


  1. 除Oracle隐私政策外,本网站中提及的“Oracle”专指Oracle境外公司而非甲骨文中国。
  2. 相关Cloud或云术语均指代Oracle境外公司提供的云技术或其解决方案。