Abengoa Simosa IT gains confidence after Oracle License Management Services audit

An Oracle License Management Services audit leads to cost-cutting license consolidation to help support future business needs.


When it comes to software licensing audits, many companies seem to focus on how they can make more money. Oracle LMS is different: Their focus was to make sure we were getting the greatest benefit from our licensing investment.

Luis Lopez de Letona NateraDirector of IT Infrastructure, Communications and Cybersecurity, Abengoa Simosa IT

Business challenges

Spain-based IT consulting and strategy company Abengoa Simosa IT was apprehensive in the face of an upcoming audit of its Oracle licensing agreements. The company hoped for a smooth process but was aware that audits can be complicated and sometimes bring unexpected or unpleasant surprises. Adding to the concern, Abengoa Simosa IT was undergoing several transformational initiatives that added to the complexity of the license review process.

During the audit, we felt that we were being helped instead of being reviewed. The Oracle LMS team took the time to understand our business issues and guide us to the right decisions. We are now confident we have the licensing that we need to accomplish our goals, and we have an even closer relationship with Oracle.

Luis Lopez de Letona NateraDirector of IT Infrastructure, Communications and Cybersecurity, Abengoa Simosa IT

Why Abengoa Simosa IT chose Oracle

The company wanted a partner that would value relationships, not just revenue. Oracle License Management Services fulfilled this role by approaching the audit from a position of helping and advising the company.


Abengoa Simosa IT’s goals from the audit were threefold: The company wanted to ensure that it was complying with Oracle requirements, gain the most value from its software licenses, and develop its relationship with Oracle.

By taking a holistic, consultative approach to auditing, Oracle LMS came to understand the company’s needs and found opportunities to not only ensure compliance but also help Abengoa Simosa IT obtain greater value from its licenses.

Oracle LMS allowed the company to move some of its software to a different server and consolidate its licenses. This helped Abengoa Simosa IT remain compliant and manage its licensing more efficiently and economically. Backed by the Oracle LMS team’s consultative approach and expert advisory, Abengoa Simosa IT is confident that it has the licenses it needs to meet both current and future needs.

已发布:November 2, 2022


  1. 除Oracle隐私政策外,本网站中提及的“Oracle”专指Oracle境外公司而非甲骨文中国。
  2. 相关Cloud或云术语均指代Oracle境外公司提供的云技术或其解决方案。