BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina speeds work orders by 50%

BlueCross BlueShield adopted Oracle’s Primavera Unifier to standardize facilities management and project controls during rapid growth.


With Primavera Unifier, we not only keep up, we get ahead. We are being proactive.

Anne BellFacilities Management Director, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina


Business challenges

BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is an independent licensee of the BlueCross and BlueShield healthcare association. The organization expanded rapidly to manage 143 facilities spanning 21 states, with no end to the growth in sight. Legacy manual processes no longer met the needs of the large and flourishing organization. Internal work orders and budget planning took too long and lacked the level of confidence the organization needed. The absence of a preventative maintenance plan left the organization at risk.

Why BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Chose Oracle

Oracle’s Primavera Unifier provided the flexibility to build BlueCross BlueShield’s business processes to meet the specific needs of the organization in a familiar, easy-to-use system. Having the wider team at the company involved in the system’s definition and setup created strong adoption throughout the healthcare provider’s staff.


By implementing Oracle’s Primavera Unifier, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina projects more than $500,000 in annual cost savings potential from a preventative maintenance plan across heating and ventilation. Thanks to Oracle’s Primavera Unifier, the company discovered that a $1 million equipment replacement was actually under warranty. Internal customer satisfaction ratings have soared, with 50% faster closeouts on internal work orders.

In addition, corporate audit preparation has fallen from 80 hours to just minutes. The company has achieved 100% on-time payments to contractors, increasing the pool of contractors who want to work with the company and eliminating time wasted expediting payments. Plus, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina has achieved zero failures on audit reports. It now takes just minutes to develop budgets, instead of close to a month. Budgets are approved more quickly, and more often, thanks to improved confidence and transparency regarding the numbers.

已发布:March 11, 2021


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