Spatial Database Features

Comprehensive geospatial data models

2D spatial data

Store and query 2D spatial geometries in Oracle Database, such as points of interest, streets, administrative boundaries. Perform spatial database queries based on proximity (How far is it?) and containment (Is it inside a region?). Access hundreds of functions to filter data, measure distance relationships, and combine/transform geometries, and take advantage of spatial indexing for faster query performance.

3D point cloud data and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)

Manage spatial sensor data, including laser scanning, photogrammetry, and more, for use in enterprise 3D geographic information system (GIS) and smart city applications. The 3D support is optimized for point cloud and CityGML workflows.

Raster data

Store and process geo-referenced raster data, such as orthophotos, satellite imagery, and gridded data for energy, natural resource management, or national security applications. Perform powerful raster analytics and on-the-fly image processing with virtual mosaics and an easy-to-use loading tool supporting popular data formats.

Learn more about GeoRaster in Oracle Database (PDF)

Network data

Model road transportation, telco, utility, energy, and other networks and analyze this complex data for shortest path, nearest neighbor, within cost, and reachability.

Learn more about Network Data Model (PDF)

Topology data

Manage topology data used by mapping and land management organizations with fine-grained feature editing and data integrity across maps and map layers for very large land parcel data sets with high consistency and accuracy.

Streaming point data

Track millions of moving objects against thousands of regions of interest, for logistics and IoT applications. Analyze locations of moving people for the purpose of contact tracing using a scalable, automatic API.

Self-service, no-code mapping tool

Spatial Studio application

Use Oracle Spatial Studio, a self-service application, to create interactive maps and perform spatial analysis on business data quickly and easily. Users can visualize, explore, and analyze geospatial data stored in and managed by Oracle in the cloud or on-premises.

Analyst support

Easy access to spatial analysis operations with minimal coding. Users can create projects with data sets from multiple sources, create and configure visualizations, perform spatial analysis operations, and publish results.

Developer support

Developers can access Spatial Studio features via REST API, embed visualizations in other applications, such as Oracle Analytics Cloud or Oracle APEX, and access spatial analysis SQL.

Data integration and enrichment

Access content from Oracle Database, including uploaded data from spreadsheets, GeoJSON, and shapefiles. This data can be enriched through geocoding and creating latitude/longitude indexes. Developers also have access to background mapping services.

Oracle Spatial Studio Guide

Development tools and frameworks for map visualization and spatial analysis

Popular languages and frameworks

Use SQL, PL/SQL, Java, Python, JavaScript, Oracle Jet, Node.js, JSON, or REST to add spatial analysis and maps to applications. Develop applications using the environment of your choice—without having to learn new languages.

Oracle developer tools

For faster development cycles, use spatial and location features directly from popular tools available with Oracle Database and Autonomous Database, such as APEX, SQL Developer, SQL Developer Web, and Visual Builder.

Enrich data

Enhance data with spatial attributes, such as address geocoding and place names for downstream analytics. Unlock the location component hidden in less structured data, to combine with other data, and perform spatial and text analysis.

Enable modern map data delivery with vector tiles and H3 indexing

Add maps to web clients directly from Oracle Database using vector tiles. Efficiently stream large amounts of spatial data from the database to the client with a simple SQL call. Vector tiles enable dynamic styling, fast performance, smooth map interactions, and dynamic map queries.

For large amounts of dense point data, hexagons are useful for map visualization, data summarization, and pattern discovery. Use hexagonal hierarchical spatial indexing (H3) to create hexagonal cells and data aggregation within the database, then use vector tiles for data streaming and map visualizations.

Spatial AI

Enhance your workflows with powerful spatial analysis combined with AI. Detect location patterns and make better predictions with geospatial machine learning algorithms, using Python with Oracle Machine Learning Notebooks in Oracle Autonomous Database. Develop and operationalize geospatial-based predictive models at scale.

Make better machine learning predictions with spatial algorithms

Contact tracing APIs

Easily analyze location of moving objects for pair-wise interactions in contact tracing applications using a scalable, automatic API in Oracle Database.

Support GIS and open source tools

Use Oracle’s spatial data management layer with popular GIS software, open source tools, and map visualization components to provide users with a wide choice of applications.

Readily deployable geospatial services

Map visualization of geographic data

Use WebGL and HTML5 JavaScript APIs to add highly interactive maps and spatial analysis into business applications. Combine application content with maps and data from a variety of web services and data formats to create richer mapping applications.

Geocoding and reverse geocoding

Enrich existing address and location information from relational tables (customer addresses, site locations) with latitude/longitude as the first step for building location intelligence applications. Use the geocoding API in Autonomous Database to convert address data into geocoding coordinates without obtaining separate reference data.

Learn more about Geocoder in Oracle Database (PDF)

Routing engine

Generate driving distances, times, and directions between locations and perform calculations such as fastest or shortest routes for logistics, delivery, and retail applications.

Open Geospatial Consortium web services

Publish spatial data and interoperate with a wide range of commercial, open source, or custom data sources and applications, with support for standard OGC Web Feature Services, Web Coverage Service, and Catalog Services to deploy and administer distributed spatial services.

Enterprise-level scalability, performance, and security

Scalability and performance

Power the most demanding, large-scale spatial applications and location intelligence workloads—in the cloud and on-premises—with dramatically fast spatial index and query performance, Oracle Exadata integration, and support for database features, such as partitioning, distributed transactions, and sharding.

Secure spatial data reliably

Gain sophisticated, enterprise-grade multilevel access control for fine-grained end-to-end security of spatial data.

Autonomous capabilities

Reduce operational costs while providing workload optimization with Oracle Autonomous Database’s self-driving, self-securing, and self-repairing capabilities.

Learn more about Autonomous Database

Align with global standards

Be in alignment with applicable ISO and OGC standards for spatial data and mapping services for interoperability.


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