Spring and Spring Boot for Oracle Database
Spring and Spring Boot for Oracle Database

Using Spring and Spring Boot with Oracle Database

Spring and Spring Boot with Oracle Database

Oracle JDBC, UCP, and Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices

Java developers love Spring. The Oracle Database is committed to support Spring through code contribution and the integration of our Java frameworks or libraries.

Recent examples include: Support direct shard database operation routing in Spring JDBC #31506, Spring Boot starters for UCP, Wallet and AQ/TEQ-JMS, UCP as native Spring connection pool, and Oracle Backend for SpringBoot.


Spring Blogs

Code Samples and Libraries


Develop cloud native Java Apps with Oracle Database 21c


Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices


  1. 除Oracle隐私政策外,本网站中提及的“Oracle”专指Oracle境外公司而非甲骨文中国。
  2. 相关Cloud或云术语均指代Oracle境外公司提供的云技术或其解决方案。