Certified System Configurations

Each release of Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription is certified for the same system configurations as the corresponding Java SE release. For the latest supported system configurations, including operating system version, hardware platforms, desktop managers, and browsers, see the following:


Java SE Universal Subscription is how you buy license and support for Oracle Java SE. Customers who have Java SE Advanced, Java SE Advanced Desktop, Java SE Suite and/or use Oracle Java SE with an Oracle Product, will continue to receive support and updates as usual. Customers who want commercial Java SE license and support can now choose the Java SE Universal Subscription. For more information, visit Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription, and Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap.

See Java SE Platform Products Third Party License Readme Files for information about third party licenses for Java SE products.


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  2. 相关Cloud或云术语均指代Oracle境外公司提供的云技术或其解决方案。