Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit(JET)

Oracle JET provides a command line interface to help create a new application for you. To install and create an Oracle JET application, install Node.js (LTS release recommended) on your local machine and then run the following commands from a console window:

npm install -g @oracle/ojet-cli 

Change to the directory that you want to create your application in and type:

ojet create <app name> --template=navdrawer

This will create an application using the Oracle JET Web Starter Template, NavDrawer.

If you would like to use TypeScript, simply add --typescript to the end of the above command. It will generate any of the base templates using TypeScript instead of JavaScript.

NOTE: When installing npm packages globally on a Mac, you may need to use the "sudo" command.

TypeScript Support

If you are working with TypeScript as your primary language, you can use the Type Definitions available for all of JET UI and framework features. To scaffold a JET application using TyepScript, simply add the --typescript argument to the end of the command line create command.

Please visit the JET TypeScript API Documentation for details on how to work with JET in TypeScript.

Visual Studio Code Extension for JET Core

If you are using Visual Studio Code from Microsoft as your primary editor, a VSCode Extension for JET Core is now available.


  • Download the extension from the link below and save to your local filesystem.
  • NOTE:  Chrome browsers will rename the extension to .zip for you.  Rename the extension to .vsix before continuing.

  • From Visual Studio Code, go to the Extensions pane.  (View→Extensions)
  • Search for Oracle and select the JET Core Extension
  • Select "Install"
  • Learn more about the features included with the extension from the VSCode JET Core Extensions panel.

Archived Libraries

The following libraries are presented for archival purposes only. These libraries should be installed via the appropriate NPM or Cordova tools. Downloading from this location will not provide proper installation. Please visit the Oracle GitHub pages for details on how to use the below libraries.


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  2. 相关Cloud或云术语均指代Oracle境外公司提供的云技术或其解决方案。

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