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As Doors Reopen, Oracle Helps HR Teams Define What’s Next

By Gretchen Alarcon, group vice president, Oracle HCM—Jun 3, 2020

Oracle Workforce Health and Safety

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced HR professionals into some of the most challenging times on record. Whether its adapting to new workforce demands, managing dispersed teams or maintaining positive employee experiences in a time of volatility, HR teams have taken center stage.

But the battle is not over yet. As the road to recovery continues, organizations are now having to figure out how to safely and efficiently bring their employees back into the workplace. And it’s up to HR teams to help make that happen. We at Oracle are here to help.

A few months ago, we announced free access to our Oracle Workforce Health & Safety tool for our HR customers to help keep their employees safe, and we’ve already seen it deliver tremendous value with many customers taking action. But we don’t want to stop there.

To provide additional help for the HR community, we are introducing the Oracle Employee Care Package for the New Workplace: a bundle of HCM tools and technology that will help HR teams make work safer, supportive, smarter, and more human as we re-enter the workplace. Within the Employee Care Package, we address three of the key areas for HR teams as they navigate the return to the work: safety, support, and skills.  

Prioritizing Workforce Safety

As offices begin to reopen, one of the top priorities for HR teams will without a doubt be ensuring the health and safety of their workforce. Which is why we’re including our Oracle Onboarding and Oracle Workforce Health & Safety tools in the Employee Care Package.

  • Oracle Workforce Health & Safety allows HR professionals to track and report health incidents within their teams (such as confirmed COVID-19 cases), minimize exposure to the larger workforce, and take appropriate action quickly.

  • And Oracle Onboarding ensures that employees who are coming back to the workplace are re-onboarded effectively, aligned with compliance, and set up for success and productivity.

Delivering Employee Support

HR teams will also need to be ready and equipped to deliver a supportive, and positive experience for their teams. Employees will likely be confused, curious, or even a little nervous when returning back to the workplace, and it’s up to HR teams to be their support and deliver confidence. Our Oracle HR Help Desk, Oracle Digital Assistant, and Oracle Work Life tools can help. 

  • With Oracle HR Help Desk, organizations can deliver an optimal employee experience by seamlessly managing COVID-19 issues, promptly resolving employee inquiries, and identifying trending issues among the workforce to resolve quickly.

  • Oracle Digital Assistant makes it easy for employees to get quick answers to commonly asked questions, whether they’re at home or at work, and through whatever channel they prefer (SMS, voice, social, etc.)

  • HR teams can use Oracle Work Life to strengthen their workplace community and empower employees to grow stronger together. This team camaraderie will improve employee productivity and well-being.

Zeroing in on Skills

As we enter into this “new normal,” we will see a heightened importance around employee learning and reskilling as new skills gaps emerge and more roles are ready to be filled.

  • With Oracle Learning, HR teams can help employees reskill and readjust to the new workplace. Recommended trainings will help employees improve productivity, acquire new skills, and discover new opportunities.

Now more than ever, HR teams are in the spotlight and driving their organizations to define what’s next. With the right tools in place, HR teams can help their workforce readjust to this changing world. And we’re here to help every step of the way.

For more information about Oracle’s Employee Care Package, click here: