My Oracle Support

My Oracle Support (MOS) provides 24/7 access to a global team of more than 15,000 support and service specialists, digital resources, a customer community, and more. Learn how to register and use MOS, so you can get the support you need, when you need it. If desired, you can always give us a call

How to register

Visit and enter your email address.

If your email isn't recognized, you'll be prompted to register. Select Create a My Oracle Support account.

Fill out the registration form.
You'll receive an email from Oracle to verify your email address.  
After you've confirmed your email address, return to Enter your email address, and then select Support for Oracle Hardware, Software, and Managed Cloud Support to log in.

If there isn't a Support Identifier (SI) associated with your account, you'll be prompted to request access to your organization's SI when you log in. Your MOS administrator, also known as the Customer User Administrator (CUA), will have this number, as it was included in the welcome email they received.


If you don't have your Support Identifier (SI) or know who your Customer User Admin (CUA) is, call Support. You can find your region's number listed here.

You'll then need to provide the first five letters of your organization's name. The letters should align with how the organization name appears in the welcome email, matching any capitalization and/or spaces. For example, if the organization name is listed as One Company in the welcome email, you should enter the first five letters as One Co. Your CUA can also assist with the organization name, if required. 
To view the status of your SI request, select My Account from your name drop-down in the upper-right corner.
Then, look to the Support Identifiers section in the Request Status section.

Getting help

In MOS, you can get help in several ways.

1. Get help 24 hours a day via the Knowledge tab. Search articles to find answers to your questions.

2. Select the Community tab to be directed to Oracle Support Community. This is where you can get help from other users and make recommendations to Oracle Product Management. Click here to go to the Oracle Construction and Engineering homepage. Select your product to find applicable content.


Be sure your organization's SI number is linked to your MOS account. That way, you can vote for features or enhancements in the Community.

3. Submit a Service Request (SR) to get in contact with Support. If you don't have access, ask your CUA to give you permissions to create and update SRs. See Creating an Effective SR below to provide Support with the information needed to work on your issue. 

Creating an Effective SR

An effective SR is all about providing Support with as much detail about your issue as possible. Support uses the information you provide to assign the SR to the correct engineer. Additionally, if the SR doesn't have adequate information to work on the problem, the assigned engineer will need to ask you follow-up questions. Incorrectly assigning the SR and/or inadequate information will cause delays in getting your issue resolved. Remember, Support only knows what you tell them!

When submitting an SR, you'll be asked to provide a problem description. A good description includes the impacted product/service, loss of functionality you're experiencing, sequence of events that occurred and associated dates, expected results, business impact, and any workarounds. Additionally, if you can recreate the issue on demand, it's imperative that you provide the steps to duplicate it to help the assigned engineer identify the problem.

When writing the business impact, describe it in quantitative terms. For example, if the loss of functionality is impacting employee performance, quantify the number of productivity hours lost and what it's costing the business. Or if the issue is preventing sales, identify the monetary loss that will occur until the problem is resolved. 

When submitting a request, you'll also assign an issue type, which can range from general guidance to a critical outage. The issue type you select will determine the severity level of the SR. It's crucial to select the correct type so Support can accurately prioritize the issue. Note that the SR automatically defaults to assigning a standard severity level, so be sure to make the correct selection in the Issue Type drop-down. See the Severity Definitions section in the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies or the Technical Support Policies.


If your issue is urgent and classified as a Severity 1, such as for a system outage, Support will work on the request 24 hours a day. You'll need to provide a contact who will be available to work with Support on a 24-hour basis. Check out this video series for more on SR management. Note that you'll need a MOS account to view these videos and other linked MOS content in this article. 

Escalating Service Requests

If needed, you can escalate your SR, which is typically done in the following scenarios:

  • Your SR is taking longer than expected to reach a resolution.
  • You need to communicate important business issues to a Support manager.
  • You're dissatisfied with the SR resolution.

If you choose manager attention, you can call Support to escalate your issue. This is the preferred method if your issue requires immediate attention. You can find your region's number listed here. You'll be asked for your SR number and how the issue is impacting your organization. 

Alternatively, you can complete the Request Management Attention template and add it to your SR. Read more about requesting management attention.


If you have a Severity 1 or 2 issue and require additional assistance, be sure to escalate your SR in MOS prior to reaching out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM). Your CSM can only engage Support after your issue has been escalated. 

Customer User Admin

If you have an Oracle Cloud product, the administrator on your Oracle order will automatically be assigned the CUA role in MOS.

If you have an on-premise Oracle product, the first person to register on MOS using the organization's SI number will be assigned the CUA role.

Typically, the CUA is the same person who’s the administrator for your Oracle products. 

As a CUA, you'll be responsible for approving new users, managing user access, and submitting SRs. Users can submit and manage their own SRs - you'll just have to give them permission in MOS.

We recommend having at least two CUAs. This ensures you can still get support if a CUA leaves the company or is on leave.

New users must register on MOS and request access to your organization's SI. Then, as the CUA, you can approve their access and assign the CUA role if needed. You can assign, transfer, and remove CUA access as needed. 


Check out this reference guide to learn more about the CUA role or how to request a new CUA if the person originally assigned isn't available. Select CUA Role and Responsibilities for instructions to approve and manage user access.  

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