Infox achieves 20% revenue growth and optimizes process by migrating to OCI

The IT services company cuts spending by up to 30% by eliminating on-premises costs from energy use, licenses, and equipment depreciation.


By adopting OCI, we were not only able to grow our revenue and optimize our processes, but also to reduce our customers' costs, since they would no longer need to spend on all the infrastructure required in an on-premises environment. It's a win-win scenario!

Luis Augusto BarbieriCommercial Director, Infox Tecnologia

Business challenges

Infox develops technology solutions to customers in the financial services and construction sectors. Years ago, the company's retail construction customers faced challenges managing on-premises infrastructure, often lacking the expertise to manage the environment and service provisioning. With these issues in mind, the company decided to take the IT burden off its customers and began offering its solutions as a full service in the cloud, allowing  customers to use the best technology without operational challenges.

To cut costs and increase its competitiveness, Infox concluded that it should migrate its solutions to the cloud and remove the responsibility for infrastructure and backup from its customers. The idea was for users to handle applications directly in the cloud, without worrying about technical operations, bugs, or availability.

Why Infox chose Oracle

Infox selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) to power its cloud migration because it would allow the company to easily configure the OCI environment according to the needs of each customer, without additional costs. Infox also realized that it could use OCI's flexibility to quickly expand infrastructure capacity, adjusting the process according to demand and balancing performance.

Finally, Infox had a longstanding partnership with Oracle, going back to 1996 when it adopted Oracle databases. Thus, the choice to migrate to OCI proved to be a natural step, with Infox currently using Oracle Database Cloud Service.


After migrating to OCI, Infox saw revenue increase by approximately 20%, which the company considers to be a direct result of the improved value perception in the retail construction segment. The company now has more flexibility to sign loyalty contracts with unique price conditions according to the customer’s subscription term. Infox also points out that customers who opted to run the solution in the cloud saw a 25% to 30% reduction in their own spending as a result of lower expenses tied to energy consumption, licenses, antivirus, and equipment depreciation.

In addition to increased revenues, OCI also allowed Infox to record operational gains in terms of development and agility. Access to data was also accelerated. Currently, Infox can get presentation information from its 20,000 registered customers in about three seconds. In the previous environment, this search could last several minutes, depending on the hardware configuration of the on-premises machines.

Additionally, before OCI, production provisioning could take 30 to 40 days, whereas now this same process is done in just one week. In some cases, the client's backup is now automated and performed remotely, and completed within hours. In the on-premises scenario, the client was responsible for the backup process, which could take days.

Published:December 21, 2023

About the customer

Infox is a Brazil-based software company that specializes in business process automation. It also offers software technical support services.