Pathways Financial modernizes data analysis with Oracle Cloud
Pathways Financial Credit Union relies on Oracle Autonomous Database and Analytics Cloud to better leverage data and get actionable insights.
“The reason we moved to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse was so that we could compile all our data into a single, easily accessible database with no IT administration. Then we use Oracle Analytics Cloud to better understand the loan performance, trends, and statistics for actionable insights much faster than ever before. Now, we can better plan and prepare our company for future growth.”
Business challenges
The credit union is a not-for-profit, full-service financial institution located in Columbus, Ohio. It provides services to 50,000 members across a breadth of products including credit cards, business loans, personal loans, mortgages, deposit products, and investment services.
As Pathways expanded its services into more complex products, it needed to analyze business performance information from multiple data sources. This information was difficult to compile into a usable format. Some loan and data files contained more than 1,500 columns. In addition, with files arriving daily, the number of files grew into the thousands. Finding relevant information was very difficult and time-consuming.
Pathways needed a better data management system that would allow non-technical staff to easily compile various spreadsheets and financial reports into a single database to generate actionable intelligence.
Why Pathways Financial chose Oracle
Pathways Financial explored other cloud providers, including AWS, but ultimately chose Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse and Oracle Analytics Cloud as the superior data management and analytics solution, for their ease of use and absence of complex administration.
Another key reason for choosing Oracle Cloud was the support that Pathways received with Oracle Lift Cloud Services, which provides guidance on architecting, prototyping, and migrating to help deliver immediate value.
By moving to Autonomous Data Warehouse and Oracle Analytics Cloud on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), Pathways Financial generates 10 real-time financial dashboards in minutes versus weeks. The dramatic improvement in productivity was a result of the autonomous cloud database’s automatic integration of the hundreds of spreadsheets and financial reports from multiple sources. Self-encryption enhances data integrity and security to protect sensitive financial information and help address regulatory compliance. Machine learning optimizes the data for complex query responses in seconds.
Pathways business analysts use the highly intuitive Oracle Analytics Cloud to better understand individual loan performance, trends, statistics, and predict loan performance, both at the micro and macro level to better plan for future growth. Oracle Analytics also provides easy-to-use geographical mapping features for Pathways staff to quickly visualize, explore, and analyze loan data across the country. The company is now able to take the new insights and expand its approach to reach additional customers.