Step 1

Launch OCI Zero Trust Packet Routing

Launch OCI Zero Trust Packet Routing in Oracle Cloud Console by navigating to Identity & Security > Zero Trust Packet Routing.

Image of Identity & Security window

Step 2

Enable OCI ZPR

On the ZPR overview page, click “Enable ZPR.”

Image of ZPR overview window

Step 3 (optional)

Create OCI ZPR security attribute namespace

When you enable OCI ZPR, it creates a security attribute namespace in the tenancy called “Oracle-zpr” that includes an example security attribute named “Sensitivity.” You can use this default namespace or create additional namespaces by selecting “Security Attribute Namespace” from the ZPR menu, then selecting “Create Security Attribute Namespace.” You can use the filters on the landing page to list the namespaces in your tenancy.

Image of Create Security Attribute Namespace window

Step 4

Create OCI ZPR security attributes

Select the appropriate namespace and click the “Create Security Attribute” button to add new security attributes.

Image of Create Security Attirbute window

Step 5

Create an OCI ZPR protected resource

Add one or more security attributes to an OCI resource such as a VCN, compute instance, or database to create a protected resource. To do this, select “Protected Resources” from the left-hand menu, then click “Add security attribute to resources.” You can set the three filters on the landing page to list the protected resources.

Image of Protected Resources window

Step 6

Create OCI ZPR policy

To create OCI ZPR policy, select “Policies” from the left-hand ZPR menu, then click “Create policy.” The landing page lists the existing policies in your tenancy.

To write the OCI ZPR policies, you can use one of the following options.

  1. Simple policy builder
  2. Manual policy builder
  3. Policy template builder
Image of Policies windows

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