Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse is the world’s first and only autonomous database optimized for analytic workloads, including data marts, data warehouses, data lakes, and data lakehouses. With Autonomous Data Warehouse, data scientists, business analysts, and nonexperts can rapidly, easily, and cost-effectively discover business insights using data of any size and type. Built for the cloud and optimized using Oracle Exadata, Autonomous Data Warehouse benefits from faster performance and, according to an IDC report (PDF), lowers operational costs by an average of 63%.

Oznámení generativního vývoje (GenDev) pro podniky

Podívejte se na záznam přednášky výkonného viceprezidenta Juana Loaizy na konferenci Oracle CloudWorld, kde se dozvíte o této průlomové infrastruktuře AppDev zaměřené na umělou inteligenci.

Why choose Autonomous Data Warehouse?

Get more value from data and analytics

Do more using a data platform designed for speed, agility, and simplicity

Autonomous Database provides the foundation for a data lakehouse—a modern, open architecture that enables you to store, analyze, and understand all your data. The data lakehouse combines the power and richness of data warehouses with the breadth, flexibility, and low cost of popular open source data lake technologies. Access your data lakehouse through Autonomous Database using the world's most powerful and open SQL processing engine.

Data lakehouse foundation diagramOracle’s data lakehouse platform is built from a combination of a data lake and data warehouse to form a data lakehouse. It merges data warehouse and data lake capabilities to enable easier data movement with a more unified architecture. Integrating data lake and data warehouse provides many benefits, including data management, AI and machine learning, and integration options.

Analyze any data, anywhere

Autonomous Database's advanced data processing engine lets you gain insights across multicloud data sources. It doesn't matter if your data is in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure object stores and databases. Or, if your data is in big data file formats such as Apache Parquet, JSON, Apache ORC, Apache Avro, CSV, or XML, Autonomous Database delivers a simple, consistent view of your data estate using your preferred SQL-based tools and applications.

Manage all data services diagramAll the data ingestion, transformation and integration flows into the data stores, warehouses, and data lakes. At the very core, Oracle offers a unified, efficient, low cost and scalable place to unify all this enterprise data even though the data may sit unstructured all the way to structured and curated data. Here you can store, manage, analyze and understand all your data.

Empower innovators with integrated, self-service analytics

Increase the productivity of business users by reducing their dependency on IT, using self-service data tools, and creating low-code analytic applications. Enhance collaboration across teams with Autonomous Database’s analytic views that provide common business definitions and metrics integrated with Oracle Analytics Cloud, Tableau, and other business intelligence applications. Enhance business storytelling based on all data, using the power of built-in machine learning, spatial and graph analytics, and data visualization.

Self-service analytics diagramWith Oracle Autonomous Database, data scientists, business analysts, and non-experts can rapidly, easily, and cost-effectively discover business insights using data of any size and type.

Prevent risks with security assessments, auditing, and active protection

Autonomous Database provides the most advanced data security that helps reduce the risk of a data breach and simplifies regulatory compliance. Its automated self-patching, automatic, always-on encryption and key management, granular access controls, and flexible data masking provide comprehensive user behavior monitoring with sophisticated auditing capabilities.

Advanced data security diagramEvaluate the security posture of your database and receive recommendations on how to migrate potential risks.

Autonomní datový sklad

Zjednodušené řízení datového skladu – s autonomní správou

Možnosti autonomní správy, jako je zřizování, konfigurace, zabezpečení, ladění a škálování, eliminují téměř všechny ruční a složité úkoly, které mohou způsobit lidské chyby. Autonomní správa umožní zákazníkům provozovat vysoce výkonný, vysoce dostupný a zabezpečený datový sklad při současném snížení nákladů na správu.

  • Automatické zabezpečení
  • Automatické škálování
  • Automatické ladění
  • Automatické zálohování
  • Automatické opravy
  • Automatické opravy

Watch how to maximize collaboration with Oracle Autonomous Database data sharing.

See what top industry analysts are saying about Autonomous Data Warehouse

IDC finds Autonomous Database customers obtain a 417% ROI in five years.

Read the IDC report (PDF)

Get started with Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse for free

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Zjistěte, jak zákazníci Oracle používají Oracle Autonomous Database k transformaci svých podniků díky využití strojového učení a automatizace při skladování dat.

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31. října 2019

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse: První a jediná cloudová databázová služba s autonomním zabezpečením na světě

Bill Kleyman, výkonný viceprezident pro digitální řešení, Switch | Influencer v oboru

Proč je tedy práce s řešením Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse tak jedinečná? Na základě mých pozorování záleží na aspektu zabezpečení. Zabezpečení je vestavěno do DNA celé architektury. Vysvětlím vám důvody.

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Dokumentace Autonomous Data Warehouse

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1. The service level agreement (SLA) for 99.995% availability assumes the use of Oracle Autonomous Data Guard. The SLA is 99.95% availability when Autonomous Data Guard isn’t enabled.

2. The Gartner Peer Insights logo is a trademark and service mark of Gartner Inc. and/or its affiliates and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner Peer Insights reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end-user reviews, ratings, and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Gartner or its affiliates.