Oracle Accessibility Conformance Report

VPATĀ® Version 2.3 - April 2019

Name of Product:

Oracle Forms-based Applications Release 12.2.10

Product Description:

Oracle Forms-based applications are also referred to as Professional Forms and optimized for processing a large volume of transactions.

This VPAT applies to the Oracle Forms-based runtime user interface within Oracle E-Business Suite and assumes that the user is operating screens that were developed with Oracle Forms according to all of the principles, standards and guidelines documented at:

The statements in the VPAT apply to an environment consisting of, at a minimum:
  • Oracle Applications Release 12.2
  • Oracle Forms
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7.0_06
  • Microsoft Windows operating system
The following My Oracle Support Knowledge documents should be reviewed and followed:
  • Deploying JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 393931.1)
  • Upgrading OracleAS 10g Forms and Reports in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 437878.1)
  • Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List of Patches and Technology Bug Fixes (Doc ID 1594274.1)

This VPAT is not for the Oracle Forms Builder.



Archive Note:

This VPAT applies to only version 12.2.10. It does not apply to any versions of Oracle Forms-based Applications after this. This VPAT has been superseded by Oracle Forms-based Applications Release 12.2.11.

Contact Information:


This VPAT does not cover the following product areas:

  • Oracle Forms Builder
  • The Workflow Processes tab of the Navigator is currently not considered accessible, but all of the functionality it allows can be achieved through other means, such as directly opening the forms included in the flow.
  • The calendar is a GUI-only feature and assumes the user will use the mouse. Dates can be entered directly in the form field.
  • Coordination checkboxes are without labels, thus no access keys; they are not essential to the operation of the product.

Oracle Forms supports the Java Access Bridge, which allows integration with assistive technologies that also support Java. The Java Access Bridge must be enabled so that Oracle Forms, the Java Runtime Engine (JRE) and the Java enabled assistive technology may interact.

Oracle Forms can be run as either a Java applet embedded in a browser page or Java Web Start application. Both need the JRE installed to access the content and the Java Access Bridge enabled.  For information how to enable the Java Access Bridge, please see the Java Accessibility Guide at

Also review the Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide, Part No. E22956 which contains detailed information about accessibility in Forms-based applications.

Evaluation Methods Used:

Oracle's policy is to design, develop and test both products and documentation to be accessible. The recommended styles of testing for accessibility include: (i) algorithmic automated tests, (ii) human judgement tests such as tool-assisted tests, visual inspection and manual operation, and (iii) testing with assistive technology by people with and without disabilities. Additional information about Oracle's accessibility program is available on

Accessibility Standards/Guidelines

This report covers the degree of conformance for the following accessibility standard/guideline:

Standard/GuidelineIncluded In Report
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1Level A - Yes
Level AA - Yes
Level AAA - No
Revised Section 508 standards published January 18, 2017 and corrected January 22, 2018Yes


The terms used in the Conformance Level information are defined as follows:

The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criteria without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
Partially Supports
Some functionality of the product does not meet the criteria.
Does Not Support
Majority of functionality of the product does not meet the criteria.
Not Applicable
The criteria are not relevant to the product.

WCAG 2.1 Report

Table 1 also documents conformance with:

  • Section 508: Chapter 5 - 501.1 Scope, 504.2 Content Creation or Editing, and Chapter 6 - 602.3 Electronic Support Documentation

Note: When reporting on conformance with the WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria, they are scoped for full pages, complete processes, and accessibility-supported ways of using technology as documented in the WCAG 2.1 Conformance Requirements.

Table 1: WCAG Conformance Criteria

Conformance Level
Remarks and Explanations
1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Information about UI elements is programmatically exposed. For those widgets that cannot take focus, such as Display Items or non-Navigable buttons, information can be obtained in a separate popup window at any time. In addition to basic information such as element type and value, application properties such as 'Required' and 'List of Values' is also made available.
  • CAPTCHAs are not used
1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) (Level A)Not ApplicableThe product has no multimedia.
1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) (Level A)Not ApplicableThe product has no multimedia.
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Level A)Not ApplicableThe product has no multimedia.
1.2.4 Captions (Live) (Level AA)Not ApplicableThe product has no multimedia.
1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) (Level AA)Not ApplicableThe product has no multimedia.
1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A)Partially Supports

The product was tested for:

  • User interface component labels are associated with the fields they are labeling.
  • For those widgets that cannot take focus, such as Display Items or non-Navigable buttons, information can be obtained in a separate popup window at any time. In addition to basic information such as element type and value, application properties such as 'Required' and 'List of Values' is also made available.


  • Output of radio buttons within a radio group are dependent on layout when using a screen reader. The wrong radio button numbering may be spoken or which arrow keys to change the selection.  (Bug 22135574)
1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • The reading/presentation sequence matches the logical reading sequence
1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Instructions provided do not refer to things solely based on their sensory characteristics such as shape, size, visual location, orientation, color, or sound
1.3.4 Orientation (Level AA)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (Level AA)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
1.4.1 Use of Color(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • The product can use one of several pre-defined Oracle color schemes, or the colors can be derived from the operating system control panel.
  • Color coding is only used as a secondary way of indicating information. Products can be run in a mode where specific color-coding, such as 'yellow' for required fields, is turned off.
1.4.2 Audio Control(Level A)Not ApplicableThe product has no multimedia.
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • The product can use one of several pre-defined Oracle color schemes, or the colors can be derived from the operating system control panel so that users can achieve the desired contrast ratio.
1.4.4 Resize text(Level AA)Not Supported

The only technique to adjust hard-coded font sizes within a Form is to set operating system custom text size (DPI).  This affects the overall size of all items in a Form. (Bug 26578596)

1.4.5 Images of Text(Level AA)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Images of text are only used when the technology can't create the desired visual presentation, the image can be customized or the particular image is essential
1.4.10 Reflow (Level AA)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
1.4.11 Non-text Contrast (Level AA)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
1.4.12 Text Spacing (Level AA)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
2.1.1 Keyboard(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Ability to perform functions from the keyboard only by using keystrokes for Next Field, Previous Field, Next Block, Previous Block, activating an access key or using top level pull down menu
  • Most controls can directly take focus; those that cannot either have access keys to invoke them or their functionality is replicated elsewhere (for example, on-screen iconic buttons are replicated in the pulldown menu which can take focus).
  • Proper operation of unique keystrokes and access keys, including those listed in the product documentation
  • No requirement on specific timings for individual keystrokes
  • Operating system features such as Sticky Keys, Toggle Keys and Filter Keys are not disrupted
2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap (Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Movement of focus through controls only using the keyboard, with no "keyboard trap" that prevents focus from moving away from any control
2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts (Level A)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
2.2.1 Timing Adjustable(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Time limits are not used
2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide (Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • There is no moving, blinking or scrolling content
2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • No portion of the screen flickers or flashes with a frequency between 2 Hz and 55 Hz
2.4.1 Bypass Blocks(Level A)Supports

Oracle non-Web software products, including bundles and suites of software, do not behave as a set of software programs as the term is defined. Therefore this guideline is always automatically met.

2.4.2 Page Titled(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • The name of the software application is meaningful.
2.4.3 Focus Order(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Logical movement through the focusable components using only the keyboard, in an order that follows a meaningful sequence
2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Links are not used in the product
2.4.5 Multiple Ways(Level AA)Supports

Oracle non-Web software products, including bundles and suites of software, do not behave as a set of software programs as the term is defined. Therefore this guideline is always automatically met.

2.4.6 Headings and Labels(Level AA)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Headers describe the topic or purpose of the content below them
  • Labels describe the purpose of the associated field
2.4.7 Focus Visible(Level AA)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Onscreen indication of the current focus and movement among interactive elements as the focus changes.
  • Focus is programmatically exposed, assistive technology tracks focus and focus changes
2.5.1 Pointer Gestures (Level A)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation (Level A)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
2.5.3 Label in Name (Level A)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
2.5.4 Motion Actuation (Level A)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria
3.1.1 Language of Page(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Properly set locale/language
3.1.2 Language of Parts(Level AA)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Proper use of lang attribute for text passages that are in a different language than that of the software
3.2.1 On Focus(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • When an element receives focus, it does not result in a substantial change to the user interface of the software, an additional change of keyboard focus, or the spawning of a new window
3.2.2 On Input(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Changes in the value of user interface components does not result in a substantial change to the user interface of the software, an additional change of keyboard focus, or the spawning of a new window
3.2.3 Consistent Navigation(Level AA)Supports

Oracle non-Web software products, including bundles and suites of software, do not behave as a set of software programs as the term is defined. Therefore this guideline is always automatically met.

3.2.4 Consistent Identification(Level AA)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Images and controls are used and identified consistently throughout the product
  • A single toolbar is used across products. Specific products may augment this toolbar with up to 3 icons, in which case the image is only used to represent a single action.
3.3.1 Error Identification(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • When input errors are detected, they are described to the user in text
3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Labels or instructions are provided when the product requires user input
3.3.3 Error Suggestion (Level AA)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Where suggestions for fixing an input error are known, they are provided to the user
3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)(Level AA)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Data is checked for input errors with an opportunity for the user to correct them
  • Data can be reviewed, corrected, and confirmed by the user before they are finalized
4.1.1 Parsing(Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Markup elements have complete start and end tags, are properly nested, do not contain duplicate attributes, and have unique IDs
4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A)Supports

The product was tested for:

  • Focus is programmatically exposed, assistive technology tracks focus and focus changes.
  • Information about UI elements is programmatically exposed. For those widgets that cannot take focus, such as Display Items or non-Navigable buttons, information can be obtained in a separate popup window at any time. In addition to basic information such as element type and value, application properties such as 'Required' and 'List of Values' is also made available.
  • Field labels are programmatically associated with their respective fields, so proximity requirements such as the label being to the immediate left of its respective field are not necessary.
4.1.3 Status Messages (Level AA)Not SupportedThis product has not yet been evaluated for this criteria

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2018 Section 508 Report

Chapter 3: Functional Performance Criteria (FPC)

Conformance Level
Remarks and Explanations
302.1 Without VisionNot ApplicableThe product does not rely on equivalent functionality, and all aspects are addressed by the technical standards.
302.2 With Limited VisionNot ApplicableThe product does not rely on equivalent functionality, and all aspects are addressed by the technical standards.
302.3 Without Perception of ColorNot ApplicableThe product does not rely on equivalent functionality, and all aspects are addressed by the technical standards.
302.4 Without HearingNot ApplicableThe product does not rely on equivalent functionality, and all aspects are addressed by the technical standards.
302.5 With Limited HearingNot ApplicableThe product does not rely on equivalent functionality, and all aspects are addressed by the technical standards.
302.6 Without SpeechNot ApplicableThe product does not rely on equivalent functionality, and all aspects are addressed by the technical standards.
302.7 With Limited ManipulationNot ApplicableThe product does not rely on equivalent functionality, and all aspects are addressed by the technical standards.
302.8 With Limited Reach and StrengthNot ApplicableThe product does not rely on equivalent functionality, and all aspects are addressed by the technical standards.
302.9 With Limited Language, Cognitive, and Learning AbilitiesNot ApplicableThe product does not rely on equivalent functionality, and all aspects are addressed by the technical standards.

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Chapter 4: Hardware

These criteria are all Not Applicable because the product is not Hardware

Chapter 5: Software

Conformance Level
Remarks and Explanations
501.1 Scope - Incorporation of WCAG 2.0 AASupportsSee the responses in the WCAG 2.0 section of this report.
 502 Interoperability with Assistive TechnologyHeading cell - no response requiredHeading cell - no response required
502.2.1 User Control of Accessibility FeaturesNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.2.2 No Disruption of Accessibility FeaturesPartially Supports

The product was tested for:

  • The product can use one of several pre-defined Oracle color schemes, or the colors can be derived from the operating system control panel.
  • The product has the ability to use operating system features such as Magnifier, Speech Recognition, Sticky Keys, Toggle Keys, Filter Keys, Visual Notifications and Mouse Keys as a pointing device.


  • Font Size has no effect in Oracle Forms. The only technique to adjust hard-coded font sizes within a Form is to set operating system custom text size (DPI).  This affects the overall size of all items in a Form. (Bug 26578596)
 502.3 Accessibility ServicesHeading cell - no response requiredHeading cell - no response required
502.3.1 Object InformationNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.2 Modification of Object InformationNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.3 Row, Column, and HeadersNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.4 ValuesNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.5 Modification of ValuesNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.6 Label RelationshipsNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.7 Hierarchical RelationshipsNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.8 TextNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.9 Modification of TextNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.10 List of ActionsNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.11 Actions on ObjectsNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.12 Focus CursorNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.13 Modification of Focus CursorNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.3.14 Event NotificationNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
502.4 Platform Accessibility FeaturesNot ApplicableThe product is not a platform or does not have access to platform accessibility features.
 503 ApplicationsHeading cell - no response requiredHeading cell - no response required
503.2 User PreferencesPartially Supports

The product was tested for:

  • The product can use one of several pre-defined Oracle color schemes, or the colors can be derived from the operating system control panel for user to choose color and contrast.
  • The product permits user preferences from platform settings for focus cursor.


  • Font types are hard-coded and do not permit a user to set a preference. The only technique to adjust hard-coded font sizes within a Form is to set operating system custom text size (DPI).  This affects the overall size of all items in a Form. (Bug 26578596)
503.3 Alternative User InterfacesNot ApplicableThe product does not have assistive technology features.
 503.4 User Controls for Captions and Audio DescriptionHeading cell - no response requiredHeading cell - no response required
503.4.1 Caption ControlsNot ApplicableThe product has no multimedia.
503.4.2 Audio Description ControlsNot ApplicableThe product has no multimedia.
 504 Authoring ToolsHeading cell - no response requiredHeading cell - no response required
504.2 Content Creation or EditingNot ApplicableThe product is not an authoring tool.
504.2.1 Preservation of Information Provided for Accessibility in Format ConversionNot ApplicableThe product is not an authoring tool.
504.2.2 PDF ExportNot ApplicableThe product is not an authoring tool.
504.3 PromptsNot ApplicableThe product is not an authoring tool.
504.4 TemplatesNot ApplicableThe product is not an authoring tool.

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Chapter 6: Support Documentation and Services

Conformance Level
Remarks and Explanations
 602 Support DocumentationHeading cell - no response requiredHeading cell - no response required
602.2 Accessibility and Compatibility FeaturesSupports

For additional information, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge documents and E-Business Suite document:

602.3 Scope - Incorporation of WCAG 2.0 AASupportsSee the responses in the WCAG 2.0 section of this report.
602.4 Alternate Formats for Non-Electronic Support DocumentationNot Applicable

Product documentation is in electronic format.

 603 Support ServicesHeading cell - no response requiredHeading cell - no response required
603.2 Information on Accessibility and Compatibility FeaturesSupportsOracle Global Customer Support can provide information about accessibility features of the product.
603.3 Accommodation of Communication NeedsSupportsOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support or by calling Oracle Support at 1.800.223.1711. Hearing-impaired customers in the U.S. who wish to speak to an Oracle Support representative may use a telecommunications relay service (TRS). Information about the TRS is available at, and a list of telephone numbers is available at International hearing-impaired customers should use the TRS at +1.605.224.1837. An Oracle Support engineer will respond to technical issues according to the standard service request process.

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Oracle Legal Disclaimer

The information above describes this product's ability to support the applicableStandards/Guidelines, subject to Oracle's interpretation of those standards(available at and the remarks in this document. For more information regarding the accessibility status of this product or other Oracle products, see or contact:

This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error free, nor does it provide any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Oracle Corporation specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. Oracle further makes no representation concerning the ability of assistive technologies or other products to interoperate with Oracle products. This document addresses the named product(s) only and not prerequisite products for which Oracle supplies restricted use licenses.