Noble Plastics drives performance with insights from IoT

Noble Plastics shifts to a robot-driven injection molding process to improve product quality using Oracle IoT Intelligent Applications.


We chose Oracle IoT Intelligent Applications to drive predictive maintenance in order to become adaptive instead of reactive.

Scott RogersTechnical Director, Noble Plastics

Business challenges

Noble Plastics, a product realization company focused on design, manufacturing, and robotic integration, wanted to automate processes and improve efficiencies as it transitioned from a traditional job shop. Improving visibility and control over the injection molding process and eliminating manual intervention costs were key business challenges.

The power of machine learning is being able to analyze millions of product and machinery characteristics, predict if a machine or process is going to break down, and then help us avoid making bad parts.

Scott RogersTechnical Director, Noble Plastics

Why Noble Plastics Chose Oracle

Noble Plastics selected Oracle for its end-to-end IoT Intelligent Applications  and integration capabilities. These solutions enabled the company to provide real-time information and a digital customer interface remotely, across multiple facilities, and without requiring any onsite machine operators or servers. 


With Oracle IoT, the company was able to pull production data from its robots and molding machines and then use anomaly-detection algorithms to help keep tabs on machine health, maintenance requirements, and parts quality. ROI was estimated at less than a year.

Assets, which are monitored by IoT Intelligent Applications, send alerts to the appropriate engineer or line operator, reducing time spent fixing problems and more time spent on developing new products and making process improvements. Noble Plastics also developed a new business model that offered robot monitoring as a service.

Publikováno:April 14, 2021
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