Oba Hortifruti lifts performance by 18X and scales for growth with Oracle Cloud

The Brazilian produce retailer supports an aggressive expansion strategy by migrating to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


We already knew that Oba would have significant growth. With Oracle Cloud, we now have a more flexible, secure, and robust system that ensures the scalability we need.

Luis Fernando GamaHead of Technology and Innovation, Oba Hortifruti

Business challenges

Over the last three years, the company began to shift its strategy toward omnichannel retail, aiming to expand its online presence and better serve its customers through digital offerings. To achieve this, Oba needed to overhaul and modernize its technology infrastructure, which consisted of a physical data center and on-premises servers.

The company’s main challenge at that time was to find a vendor that could provide migration to the cloud for a more reliable, flexible, secure, robust, and scalable system. The company also wanted to find a system that could ensure continuous uptime, with minimal service interruptions or outages.

OCI brought gigantic security. Now I can say that my IT governance is much more peaceful.

Luis Fernando GamaHead of Technology and Innovation, Oba Hortifruti

Why Oba Hortifruti chose Oracle

After reviewing cloud service providers and conducting a market benchmark study, Oba selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) based on cost efficiency, reliability, and the high level of support the company received from the entire Oracle team and its partner.


After its migration to OCI with Exadata Cloud Service, Oba Hortifruti gained a number of technical advantages, including increased CPU power, memory, and storage for running its critical ERP and retail workflow systems.

Oba Hortifruti noticed that it was able to operate more equipment at a 30% lower cost and substantially accelerate processing times by 18X compared to on-premises. For instance, a processing task that took 110 hours in the old system was reduced to approximately 6 hours on OCI. 

In addition, migrating to OCI helped to improve Oba’s IT governance area with faster approvals and decreased risk. Currently, 95% of launches are tested in the homologation environment that requires more security for developers and quality control personnel.

Looking ahead, Oba is focused on an aggressive plan to open new stores and expand its omnichannel strategy. The company is confident in Oracle’s ability to provide innovative solutions well into the future.


Prime was the main partner in Oba’s migration, and the team was essential to ensuring a smooth execution. Prime’s confidence in Oracle was also a factor in Oba’s decision to use OCI.

Publikováno:March 25, 2022