Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio Release Notes
Version 19.3.3
This version (19.3.3) is identical to version 19.3.2 except that the extension installer has been modified to avoid "Failed to Fix the Configuration" errors which occurs when the Visual Studio installer is upgraded.
Visual Studio 2019 TableAdapter/DataAdapter/EntityFramework/ASP.NET designers with ODP.NET Managed Provider:
Any projects that reference Oracle Data Provider for .NET Managed driver versions earlier than 19.10 need to be updated to use version 19.10 or later before using VS2019 TableAdapter/EntityFramework/ASP.NET designers or ODT 19.3.2 DataAdapter designer. ODT 19.3.2 with ODP.NET Managed generates ODP.NET connection strings which include "TNS_ADMIN" and/or "WALLET_LOCATION" in the connection string. If the project references earlier ODP.NET Managed versions, then these connection string attributes are not recognized by ODP.NET Managed and the user will see an error with a message similar to "TNS_ADMIN is an unrecognized connection string attribute".
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable is required before connecting to Oracle database using Oracle Data Provider for .NET Unmanaged driver. In most cases this will be automatically installed when Visual Studio is installed or updated and it will be seen in Add/Remove Programs in Windows Control Panel. However in certain scenarios, for example, an offline installation, you may need to install it.