Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer Release 2.1 Release Notes

Date: 15 December 2009

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These release notes contain the following

Key Features

Oracle SQL Developer is a graphical user interface for the Oracle database and provides comprehensive support for the following:

  • SQL Worksheet: The SQL Worksheet for SQL, PL/SQL and SQL*Plus commands. The worksheet supports code insight and completion, code snippets and templates. Users can run scripts or individual statements. The worksheet supports a wide variety of SQL *Plus commands.
  • Database Connections: A wide variety of database connection for Oracle and third-party databases. Support includes a basic connection using a thin JDBC driver and TNSnames, LDAP and Kerberos authentication methods. There is also support for OS Authentication and a proxy user. Connections can be sorted on to folders for ease of use.
  • Connection Navigator: A Connections navigator allows for object browsing, creation and updates.
  • PL/SQL Editor: A PL/SQL editor allows users to create, compile and debug code. Debugging support includes stepping into code and remote debugging.
  • Import/Export: A wide variety of export and import feature include export to XML, XLS and INSERT. For importing you can import into an existing table or create a new table
  • Reporting: A selection of shipped SQL reports including data dictionary, migrations and Oracle APEX reports.
  • Migrations and Third Party Database support: Connections to MySQL, Microsoft Access and SQL Server, Sybase, IBM DB2 and Teradata.
  • Version Control: File navigation and version control includes support for Subversion, CVS, Serena Dimensions and Perforce.
  • Data Model Viewer: A data model viewer extension that allows you to open a model created in SQL Developer Data Modeler or visualize tables, views and object types on Data Modeler diagrams.
  • Unit Testing: Users can create step by step unit tests and add them to unit test suites.

New Features

Oracle SQL Developer 2.1 is the vehicle for two main pieces of functionality, Unit Testing and Data Modeling.

  • Oracle SQL Developer Unit Testing provides a unit testing framework that allows you to build a set of sequential steps to create test cases for testing your PL/SQL code. These tests can optionally be collected into test suites, which can then be run and rerun to verify required functionality after any changes to your PL/SQL code. Command line access for executing, exporting, and importing suites or tests is provided for integration with your build and version control environment.
  • SQL Developer 2.1 incorporates a Data Modeler viewer, integrated into SQL Developer. The Data Modeler Viewer also supports visualizing tables, views and object types on read-only Data Modeler diagrams. The SQL Developer Data Modeler Viewer extension is a free extension to SQL Developer. For a updateable data model, download and review the Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler, a stand alone product that supports logical, relational and conceptual modeling. The tool supports forward and reverse engineering and import and export from various sources. The Data Modeler supports an additional standalone model viewer, which allows users to open models built in the full Data Modeler.
  • The SQL Worksheet has been redesigned for SQL Developer 2.1 to support concurrent task processing for long running operations. Updates to the worksheet include the support of multiple data grids off the F9 (Run Statement) command and dockable OWA, DBMSOutput and SQL History windows.
  • For a list of SQL Developer features, see SQL Developer Features
  • For a list of supported SQL* Plus commands, see SQL Worksheet Commands

Before you Start

  • Unit Testing
    • If you created a unit test repository for EA1, then you need to drop and create the repository using the production release. Any unit test repositories created in EA2 or RC1 do not need to be recreated.
  • Platform Support
    • Oracle SQL Developer 2.1 is available for Windows XP , Vista (including 64-bit), Windows 7 (including 64-bit), and Windows Server 2008, Linux or Mac OS X. (See Certification)
  • JDK Support
    • Oracle SQL Developer 2.1 release is shipped with JDK 1.6_11. You can use the embedded JDK or connect to any installed JDK 1.6_11 or above.
  • 64-Bit Windows Support
    • There is a separate download for the 64-bit environment. Download the full 64-bit install and unzip into a new, empty directory as described for other platforms. Execute the sqldeveloper.exe. You need to download and install the 64-bit JDK for your platform.
  • Installing or Upgrading
    • The Check for Updates option to upgrade between releases of SQL Developer is not supported. This utility is provided to install third party extensions, this includes the third party drivers required for migrations and to add additional version control extensions.
    • All new releases of SQL Developer require a full installation. Download and unzip the file into an empty folder. Ensure the "Use folder names" checkbox is checked when unzipping the file.
  • Migrating from Previous Releases

    After you have installed the product you are asked if you want to migrate from a previous release. This migrates previously set preferences and connections created:

    • By default the Confirm Import Preferences dialog that is displayed selects the latest installation. Select Yes to migrate the settings from that release or click the Show All Installations button to browse to an earlier installation. You can migrate settings from SQL Developer 1.2.1 and above.
    • If you are using Oracle SQL Developer 1.1.3 as part of the Oracle Database 11gR1 installation, navigate to [ORACLE_HOME] \product\11.1.0\db_1\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\system.

      NOTE: If you install a release later than 1.1.3, this does not replace the menu item in your Start Programs list. You can add your own menu option here or a shortcut on the desktop.

  • User Defined Reports, Snippets and SQL History
    • In Oracle SQL Developer 2.1 your user-defined reports, SQL History and user-defined snippets files are located in the \Documents and Settings\<your_user>\Application Data\SQL Developer folder. These are also migrated.
  • Folders
    • If you created folders in release 1.5.1 or above, these are automatically included in the migration. If you choose not to migrate your settings between releases, then you can import your old connections. This does not include folders.
  • JDBC Drivers
    • The JDBC drivers shipped are Oracle Database 11g Release 1. To connect to earlier version of the database using the Thick Driver, you need to install an 11g client. i.e. not required for the Basic Connection.
  • Debug Log Window
    • This is now set off by default. If you want to see the SQL Developer debug log window information by default, then include the line IncludeConfFile sqldeveloper-debug.conf in the sqldeveloper.conf file.
    • To start up the debug log window in the product while you are working, enter "setloglevel oracle.dbtools ALL" in the SQL Worksheet. This will stay on while you are working, but won't reopen the log window if you stop and restart the product.
  • Third Party Databases
    • This release supports IBM DB2 UDB LUW 7, 8 and 9 and Teradata 12, in addition to the current third party databases supported.
    • You will not see any third party tabs in the connections dialog until you have installed the drivers.
    • You can download and include the third-party database drivers manually. . Alternatively y ou can use Check for Updates to setup these drivers.
    • Do not use the latest MySQL driver 5.1. Use the 5.0.x drivers for MySQL.
  • TimesTen and In-Memory Database Cache
    • Before you can use SQL Developer to connect to TimesTen:
      • Install TimesTen 7.0.5+ or of the server or client on the same machine as SQL Developer.
      • On Linux systems, source the shell script TimesTen_install_dir/bin/ttenv.csh or TimesTen_install_dir/bin/ to set up the TimesTen environment variables before launching SQL Developer. On Windows, use the TimesTen_install_dir\bin\ttenv.bat script.
      • Make sure the CLASSPATH environment variable is pointing to the TimesTen JDBC driver (TimesTen_install_dir/lib/ttjdbc6.jar).
      • Read these more detailed release notes on TimesTen.
  • Table Filters
    • The list of tables displayed includes generated tables, AQ's and others not previously included in the list. By default there is a filter in tables to exclude objects from the recycle bin.
  • Code Templates
    • Code templates and snippets are now included in the code insight drop down list. To see the code for these, just start typing the code, in each case, and the rest of the code entry displays in the code insight. There is no longer a key sequence for Code Templates.
  • Version Control
    • Subversion is installed by default with SQL Developer 2.1. To install CVS, Perforce and Serena Dimensions, please use Help > Check for Updates.
  • Subversion
    • If you create a local Subversion repository, ensure there are no spaces in the path.
  • CVS
    • If you use a local repository. You must use an external CVS client and set the CVS versioning properties to point to the external client.

Issues Addressed

The key feature addressed in this release is related to increasing the tool's responsiveness when multi-tasking. To solve the various issues reported when multi-tasking, the SQL Worksheet has been redesigned, allowing users to run concurrent queries in the background and continue work, something which typically happens with longer running queries. The scope of this concurrency goes beyond the SQL worksheet, with most long running operations now handled as tasks, which means that operations like opening connection navigator nodes, exporting data etc. are now performed as background tasks so that the user interface is free for interaction.

General comments

  • You are supported by Oracle Support under your current Oracle Database Support license. Log SQL Developer bugs and issues using Metalink for the product Oracle SQL Developer.
  • You can discuss issues on the Oracle SQL Developer forum.
    • Be sure to use clear subject lines to initiate a thread
    • Try to avoid using old, unrelated threads for a new issue.
  • We will publish a list of bugs fixed once we release the production software. You can also contact Oracle Support to request bugs are published.
  • Known issues in this release are listed below. This is not a complete list of known bugs, but some of the main issues that might impact you.
  • Features not yet supported in this release can be added to the Feature Requests section on the Oracle SQL Developer Exchange.
  • Please review current certification status for platform and database certification queries.
  • TimesTen is included in SQL Developer 2.1. You will not see the TimesTen Connection node unless you have TimesTen installed and configured (see TimesTen section above).
  • Support for TimesTen In-Memory Database includes support for Oracle In-Memory Database Cache and TimesTen In-Memory Database Release 7.0.3 and later.
  • If you did not migrate your connections from a previous release, you can import them afterwards. Invoke the earlier release of SQL Developer, export the required connections and import them in the new release.
  • Expired password: When a password expires, an error message is raised to alert the user. To reset the password, right-click the connection and select Reset Password.