Oracle Database XE Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Help
  • How can I get support?

    Go to the Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) Forum, and search existing questions and answers, or enter your own question.

  • Can I log an SR against XE?

    No, you can only log Service Requests, with Oracle Support, against fully supported products, such as Oracle Database Enterprise Edition, Oracle Database Standard Edition 2, and all of the Oracle Database Cloud Services.

  • Will patches be provided for Oracle Database XE?

    No, patches will not be released for XE. To obtain patches you must be on a fully supported edition, such as Oracle Database Enterprise Edition or Oracle Database Standard Edition 2.

  • Can I use Oracle Dataabase XE in production?

    Oracle Database Express Edition does not restrict in which environment it can be deployed. However, Oracle Database Express Edition is not supported and does not receive any patches, including security patches. Oracle recommends to run production deployments on fully supported Oracle Database editions or Cloud Services.

  • Which features are not included in XE?

    The full list of features included and not included in Oracle Database XE can be seen in the Oracle Database XE Documentation.

  • Can I upgrade from older XE versions?

    You can upgrade your XE environment by using Data Pump Export/Import functionality and transfer your data from the old XE environment to the new one.
    For more information, please review Chapter 9, Exporting and Importing Data between Oracle Database XE 11.2 and 18c, in the installation guides for Linux.

    Direct upgrades from older XE versions are not supported!

  • Can I unplug/plug an XE PDB into EE/SE2 CDBs?

    Oracle Database XE PDBs can be plugged into EE CDBs of the same version.
    Plugging an XE PDBs into SE2 CDBs is currently not supported. This feature is under investigation.

  • Can I unplug/plug a EE/SE2 PDB into XE CDBs?

    Plugging EE/SE2 PDBs into XE CDB is currently not supported. This feature is under investigation.

  • How do I convert my character set?

    You can convert your character set by using Data Pump Export/Import to export the data, create a new database with your desired character set, and import the data again. For further information, please see the Database Utilities Documentation.

Related Products
  • Where is Oracle APEX?

    Oracle APEX is no longer included with the distribution. Instead you can to download the latest version from the Oracle APEX Home Page, and follow the instructions in the Oracle APEX Documentation to install the latest version of Oracle APEX. If you are upgrading from Oracle Database XE 11g and have Oracle APEX installed, then follow Chapter 9.2, Exporting and Importing Data for Oracle Application Express (APEX) Users, in the installation guides for Linux .

  • Where is SQL Developer and SQLcl?

    SQL Developer is no longer part of Oracle Database XE. Go to the SQL Developer Home Page, or SQLcl Home Page for more information and to download the latest versions.

  • Is Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) included in the distribution?

    No, go to the ORDS Home Page to learn how you can utilize ORDS and XE for RESTful application development, and to support Oracle APEX.

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