Support for Oracle Rdb and Oracle Database on OpenVMS on Alpha and VAX Emulators

Stromasys and AVTware offer Alpha and VAX emulator products that prolong the use of OpenVMS Alpha and VAX applications. These products include Charon-AXP and Charon-VAX from Stromasys and vtAlpha and vtVAX from AVTware. The Charon-AXP and vtAlpha products emulate complete Alpha systems allowing OpenVMS applications, layered products, tools, and middleware to run unmodified. Similarly, the CHARON-VAX and vtVAX products emulate complete VAX systems providing the same portability.

Oracle Corporation supports Alpha and VAX* versions of Oracle Rdb and Oracle CODASYL DBMS and their related products running on CHARON-AXP or vtAlpha and CHARON-VAX or vtVAX provided that any problems reported can be reproduced by Oracle Support on an actual Alpha or VAX system. The Oracle Database on OpenVMS running on CHARON-AXP or vtAlpha is also supported under the same restriction that problems reported can be reproduced on an actual Alpha system. Information on version support dates and the type of support available (e.g. Premier, Extended, Sustaining) for both Oracle Rdb and the Oracle Database can be found in Oracle's Lifetime Support Policy for Oracle Technology Products.

* Note that VAX support is available for Oracle Rdb and Oracle CODASYL DBMS 7.0.x only and is limited to Sustaining Support.

Customers migrating from native Alpha or VAX hardware to one of these emulated environments with Oracle Rdb or from native Alpha to one of these emulated environments with the Oracle Database on OpenVMS should check with their Oracle sales representative regarding licensing.

CHARON-AXP and CHARON-VAX emulators are software products owned, sold, and serviced by Stromasys. For more information about CHARON emulators, see Stromasys's web site at:

vtAlpha and vtVAX emulators are software products owned, sold, and serviced by AVTware. For more information about AVTware emulators, see AVTware's web site at:

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