Oracle Rdb - Education

Oracle is pleased to partner with Software Concepts International, LLC; JCC Consulting, Inc.; and VX Company for delivering training on the Oracle Rdb family of products. These organizations have a proven track record in delivering high quality training for the Oracle Rdb family of products, including Oracle CODASYL DBMS. The instructors for these courses are experienced consultants who also have great teaching skills. They know the Rdb products very well and invest in keeping their instructors current with the latest developments.

Information on Oracle Rdb Training at JCC can be found at:

Information on Oracle Rdb Training at VX Company can be found at:

If you cannot find the course you need, please let us know by sending email to: Oracle Rdb Engineering

Oracle Rdb Technical Forums

Oracle Rdb Technical Forums are highly technical sessions conducted by technical specialists from Oracle Rdb Engineering and the Oracle Rdb community. These Forums are designed to keep Oracle Rdb users up-to-date on the latest enhancements and optimizations of Oracle Rdb. Oracle Rdb Technical Forums are held at various locations around the world and are offered at no charge.

Learn more about currently scheduled Oracle Rdb and Oracle Database on OpenVMS Technical Forums
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