
TISAX certification for Oracle Cloud Applications

Alessandro Costa - Principal, SaaS Compliance

March 2024 | 2 minutes

As part of the ongoing process aimed at improving the security posture of its Cloud Applications and aligning them to recognized international standards, Oracle is proud to announce that Oracle Cloud Applications successfully completed an audit by an independent auditor against the Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange (TISAX) Assessment Level 3 (AL3) requirements and achieved the “Information with Very High Protection Needs” label. The AL3 is a requirement for data with a very high need for protection, e.g. data classified as strictly confidential or secret.

TISAX is a mechanism aimed at assessing the information security of enterprises and was developed by the ENX Association and published by the Verband der Automobilindustrie, the German Association of the Automotive Industry.

TISAX certification may be of interest to local or international companies doing business in the German automotive sector. Not only can it help companies address its security and compliance concerns, but it can also be a useful resource for a company’s suppliers.

This designation signifies that Oracle Cloud Applications are designed in such a way to meet TISAX’s requirements in terms of the protection of data stored and/or processed by Oracle customers using the applicable Cloud Applications.

The Oracle Cloud Applications in-scope for the TISAX certification are the Oracle Fusion Applications Suite and Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM). The Oracle European Union Restricted Access (EURA) is also part of the certification scope.

Although TISAX was primarily developed for the automotive sector, its requirements and the corresponding controls implemented by Oracle may be relevant to a plethora of other use cases by customers. While customers maintain responsibility for complying with regulations applicable to their specific industry, customers from other sectors may benefit from the processes Oracle Cloud Applications have implemented to achieve the designation from TISAX.

Please reach out to your Sales Representative and/or Account Manager to request access to the audit result. Alternatively, the result of the audit can be obtained over the ENX Portal. To learn more of our compliance activities, check out the Compliance page on our website and Compliance Considerations for Cloud Services blogpost.

Alessandro Costa Alessandro Costa

Principal with over 9 years of experience in IT security and compliance.
Alessandro manages Oracle Cloud Applications’ compliance programs and initiatives for Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, with extended support to the broader EALAD (Europe, Africa, Latin America) region.