Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is the industry standard for developing portable, robust, scalable and secure server-side Java applications. Building on the solid foundation of Java SE, Java EE provides component development, web services, management, and communications APIs that make it the industry standard for implementing enterprise class service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web 2.0 applications.
The most effective way to learn about Java EE and what's new in the Java EE 6 platform is to get hands on experience with the APIs by using the Java EE 6 SDK. The Java EE 6 SDK provides a Java EE 6-compatible application server as the foundation to develop and deploy Web Services-enabled, multi-tier enterprise applications. You can download the Java EE 6 SDK and begin today.
For beginners, the Java EE documentation page provides links to a wide variety of self-paced learning materials, such as tutorials and FAQs.
Oracle Education provides many training courses, which can lead to one of three certifications: Certified Web Component Developer, Certified Business Component Developer, or Certified Enterprise Architect.
Yes. The Java EE Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) is available for the Java EE platform. The Java EE CTS contains thousands of compatibility tests for Java EE 6. The suite tests compatibility by performing specific application functions and checking results. For example, to test the JPA call to persist an entity, an EJB test component makes a call to persist an object and then a call is made to check that the object was persisted.
A Java EE licensee has signed a commercial distribution license for Java EE. That means the licensee has the compatibility tests and has made a commitment to compatibility. It does not mean the licensee's products are necessarily compatible yet. Look for the Java Compatible, Enterprise Edition brand which signifies that the specific branded product has passed the Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) and is compatible.
Java EE technology and its success is predicated on compatibility which brings Java technology's mission of "Write Once, Run Anywhere" capability to the server. Developers can write applications to the Java EE specification -- and companies can purchase such applications -- and be assured that they are portable across all the Java Compatible, Enterprise Edition products available today.
Multiple Java EE-compatible applications servers may be found on the Java EE 6 compatibility page.
There are numerous choices of tools available for developing Java and Java EE applications. You can download the open source NetBeans IDE for free at Many of the Java EE compatible vendors offer tools that support any Java EE-compatible application server.
The article "Introducting the Java EE 6 Platform" covers in detail what is new in the Java EE 6 platform, including Servlet 3.0, EJB 3.1, Context and Dependency Inject for Java (CDI), and much more.
This is covered in detail on the Java EE 6 Technologies page.
Java EE 6 is the latest version of the premier platform for developing robust, scalable enterprise applications. Here are some highlights and themes for Java EE 6:
Java EE applications that are written to the J2EE 1.3, J2EE 1.4, or Java EE 5 specification will run on a Java EE 6 implementation. Backwards compatibility is a requirement of the specification.
The Java EE 6 SDK is a free integrated development kit that one can use to build, test and deploy Java EE 6-based applications. Included in the SDK is GlassFish Server 3.1, which implements the latest Java EE 6 technologies and provides features aimed at improving developer productivity.
The Java EE 6 SDK may be downloaded for free.
Yes, however it is recommended to use a commercially supported application server for production deployments.
The GlassFish Server contained within the Java EE 6 SDK is based on the bits developed by Oracle engineers and community contributors within the GlassFish community.