If you’re developing database applications on AWS and need real-time analytics and extremely fast queries, that’s what MySQL HeatWave on AWS was built to do. Instead of crafting complicated ETL pipelines to move data around to a separate analytics database, HeatWave leverages in-memory acceleration to provide real-time analytics (OLAP) functionality without impacting the performance of transactional workloads (OLTP). MySQL HeatWave is a fully managed service, which allows developers to quickly create and deploy secure cloud native applications using the world’s most popular open source database. MySQL HeatWave is developed and supported by the MySQL development team at Oracle.
One of the best things about MySQL HeatWave is the ability to run analytics directly against your existing transactional data, which means you only need to manage one database instead of two, and can get real-time, secure analytics without the complexity, latency, and cost of ETL duplication.
To get going, let’s Start for free on AWS. A quick sign-up will provide $300 in free credits to see just how awesome MySQL HeatWave on AWS can be.
Note that MySQL HeatWave on AWS is integrated with OCI’s Identity and Access Management system. When you sign up for HeatWave on AWS, you’ll be directed to the OCI login page where you must sign in with an OCI Cloud Account (which you created earlier). To keep things simple, billing is managed and monitored within OCI.
To start working with MySQL HeatWave on AWS you need neither AWS experience nor an AWS account. However, if you do have those, there’s no limit to what you can do to integrate AWS apps with MySQL HeatWave. So let’s get going!
wget https://downloads.mysql.com/docs/airport-db.tar.gz
tar xvzf airport-db.tar.gz
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
mysqlsh username@hostname
util.loadDump("airport-db", {threads: 16, deferTableIndexes: "all", ignoreVersion: true})
select * from airplane limit 10000;
mysql SELECT booking.price, count(*) FROM booking WHERE booking.price > 500 GROUP BY booking.price ORDER BY booking.price LIMIT 10;
mysql SELECT booking.price, count(*) FROM booking WHERE booking.price > 500 GROUP BY booking.price ORDER BY booking.price LIMIT 10;
Thus far we’ve created a MySQL database instance and HeatWave cluster on AWS, loaded some data, and poked around the system a bit. You saw the dramatic performance improvement gained by running queries in HeatWave…all without the need to ETL any data between systems. With all this power at your fingertips, we highly encourage you continue to explore the performance and capabilities. We’ve only just scratched the surface!
Want to know more? Join the discussion in our public Slack channel!
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