Oracle Database newsletters

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Annoncering af generativ udvikling (GenDev) til virksomheder

Se klippet med EVP Juan Loaizas foredrag ved Oracle CloudWorld, og få mere at vide om denne banebrydende, AI-centrerede AppDev-infrastruktur.

Database Insider

Monthly newsletter for DBAs and data architects featuring the latest news, product updates, technical tips, and innovation related to Oracle Database. Plus: Get the scoop on the upcoming webcasts and events that keep you up to date and enhance your Oracle Database knowledge.


You can read previous newsletters using the links below. Archived newsletters may contain links to content that is no longer available.



Oracle Database Application Developer

Monthly newsletter focusing on SQL, PL/SQL, and Oracle APEX development with Oracle Database with features on the latest developer news, how-to articles, and best practices. Challenge yourself with the Developer Quiz to build your expertise. Get the scoop on developer announcements, events, and training.


You can read previous newsletters using the links below. Archived newsletters may contain links to content that is no longer available.



Autonomous Database

Written by Oracle’s Autonomous Database development and product teams, this periodic blog is for both technical and business audiences. Here, you’ll find the latest about new features for Autonomous Database. Discover upcoming events in your area and find out how other companies are solving their business challenges in our customer success stories.

10. september 2024

Fremtidens appudvikling ved hjælp af nye AI-innovationer i Autonomous Database

George Lumpkin, Vice President of Product Management, Oracle

Autonomous Database og de nyeste innovationer betyder, at du har fået en nemmere og hurtigere metode til at lave apps, der anvender AI-drevne menneskelige sproggrænseflader og menneskecentrerede data. Velkommen til fremtidens udvikling af virksomhedsapplikationer med GenDevs AI-centrerede infrastruktur.-Denne løsning er her og giver dig en ny måde at være innovativ på.



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