Oracle National Security Regions (ONSRs) are the Oracle Cloud solution for customers who need a proven cloud platform for classified, mission-critical workloads that provides high performance and enhanced security at a competitive price. Meeting the highest level of US government classification standards, ONSRs are designed for the US Defense Department and Intelligence Community. ONSR regions support and accelerate delivery of national security workloads at the Secret and Top Secret levels. Completely isolated from the internet, these air-gapped regions securely provide IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and marketplace services to enable mission owners to secure classified data, remove data silos, and innovate.
OCI named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Strategic Cloud Platform Services.
ONSRs provide customers flexibility in scaling, design, and operational controls to support your missions. Oracle redesigned the virtualization stack with a security-first approach to reduce the risk from hypervisor-based attacks and increase tenant isolation—plus data encryption is always on by default. With Oracle’s Everything Everywhere® commitment, all Oracle Cloud services, tools, and functionality in commercial public cloud regions are made available in an ONSR and maintained at technical parity to accelerate mission systems development and deployment.
Unlike public clouds, ONSRs are supported and managed from secure, dedicated, cloud network operation centers (CNOCs), which are only accessed, monitored, and staffed by US government-cleared personnel. Oracle leverages CNOCs to provides 24/7 customer support that relies on secure incident management practices to uphold Oracle’s industry-leading SLAs.
Learn more about Oracle SLAsEvery ONSR is built to meet the highest level of US government regulations and compliance requirements specific to the classification level, including the highest forms of independent assurance available for internal controls, data protection, and regulatory compliance. All ONSR services are audited to meet DISA Impact Level 6 and Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 503 requirements. Top Secret data centers comply with ICD 705 Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) requirements.
Protecting US classified data and networks from ever-present dynamic cyberthreats is a critical priority. Oracle’s cloud security portfolio is designed to constantly monitor, detect, and mitigate cyberthreats automatically and provide centralized security configuration, posture management, and automated enforcement of security practices.
Improving data management is critical to enhancing mission owner ability to keep the nation safe, create operational efficiencies, and harness the power of data in real time at the tactical edge. Oracle provides a comprehensive database service for data management, automation, data warehousing, and analytics for agencies to secure and access data—improving its performance and availability.
Cloud-based AI solutions are expanding opportunities beyond military operations, enabling business and noncombat-focused applications readiness. Oracle’s ready-to-build AI platform provides cloud services to build, deploy, and manage AI-powered solutions that contribute to create an intelligent mission enterprise, automating operations and making smarter decisions.
Roving Edge Infrastructure: Delivering computing and storage at the edge.
All OCI services will be available in Oracle government cloud regions after appropriate certification, except for certain services that are specialized or incompatible with certification criteria.
Byg, ibrugtag og håndter moderne cloud-applikationer ved at bruge udviklervenlige værktøjer og tjenester.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure-integrationstjenester forbinder enhver applikation og datakilde for at automatisere processer fra start til slut og centralisere styring. Den brede vifte af integrationer med forudbyggede adaptere og tilpasning med kun lidt kodning forenkler migrering til clouden, mens hybrid- og multicloud-drift strømlines.
Opnå omfattende business intelligence med udvidede analyser for at hjælpe din organisation med at vokse gennem unik indsigt.
Tilføj nemt intelligens til dine applikationer og arbejdsbelastninger med forudbyggede opfattelses- og beslutningsmodeller og køreklare chatbots, eller byg og oplær dine egne modeller med vores dataforskningstjenester.
Opnå nye indsigter på tværs af alle dine data med vores omfattende platform af styrede Spark-, Hadoop-, Elasticsearch- og Kafka-kompatible tjenester kombineret med klassens bedste data warehouse- og datastyringstjenester.
Sikker og elastisk regnekraftkapacitet i clouden, der går fra fleksible virtuelle maskiner (Flex VM'er) og Bare Metal-servere med høj performance til HPC og GPU'er.
Håndter vigtige brugsscenarier med lokal, objekt-, fil-, blok- og arkivlagring efter behov.
Ibrugtag mikrotjenesteapplikationer på højtydende, styrede, open source Docker-, Kubernetes- og Fn Functions-tjenester.
Opret sikker forbindelse til et isoleret virtuelt cloud-netværk (VCN), der kan tilpasses, som hjertet af din cloud-ibrugtagning. Flyt data til 25 % af omkostningerne hos andre cloud-udbydere.
Kør omkostningsoptimerede, højtydende og autonome versioner af Oracle Database, verdens førende konvergerede multimodel-databasestyringssystem i clouden.
HeatWave MySQL er en fuldt styret databasetjeneste, drevet af den integrerede HeatWave-forespørgselsaccelerator i hukommelsen. Det er den eneste cloud-databasetjeneste, der kombinerer transaktioner, analyser og maskinlæringstjenester i én MySQL-database og leverer sikre analyser i realtid uden kompleksiteten, ventetiden og omkostningerne ved ETL-duplikering.
Beskyt dine mest værdifulde data i clouden med Oracles sikkerhed først-tilgang og omfattende compliance-programmer. Oracle sikrer synlighed og maskinlæringsdrevet indsigt for at lette styringen på tværs af alle lag i stakken – uanset teknologi og placering.
Globale, sikre, højtydende miljøer til at flytte, bygge og køre alle dine arbejdsbelastninger. Hybrid- og edge-tilbud giver specialiseret ibrugtagning, afbrudt og lejlighedsvis forbundet drift, lav forsinkelse og høj performance samt datalokalitet og sikkerhed.
Rand Waldron, Vice President, Program Management
Oracle offers everything, everywhere, and here’s what it means for intelligence community (IC) customers: All Oracle services are made available in every service region for a complete, sustainable, and innovative cloud solution.
Read the complete postThe framework helps organizations define a robust cloud strategy, plan for successful migrations, and ensure manageability of cloud environments.
Information specific to Oracle US Government Cloud, a FedRAMP High-accredited and DISA Impact Level 4 (IL4)-authorized cloud for US federal civilian, state, and local agencies.
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