Oracle FLEXCUBE for Islamic Banking

Transform Sharia-compliant banking operations to accelerate innovation and achieve operational efficiency. Oracle FLEXCUBE offers a comprehensive solution suite that drives digital transformation for a wide range of Sharia-compliant Islamic financial services across retail and corporate banking.

Build a future-ready, Sharia-compliant, Islamic Banking business.

Explore Oracle FLEXCUBE for Islamic Banking

Comprehensive Sharia-Compliant Islamic Banking

Roll out comprehensive Islamic Banking offerings and drive effective and efficient growth.

Comprehensive compliance

Roll out products and offerings that comply with Sharia laws and the regulatory requirements of AAOIFI.

Extensive product support

Offer a wide range of Islamic banking products, including Mudarabah, Wadiah, Qard, Wakalah, Murabaha, Salam, Tawarruq, Ijarah, Musharakh, Sukuk, Istisna, and more.

Efficient operations

Support Islamic banking operations and conventional banking operations on the same installation.

Sharia-Compliant Islamic Retail Banking

Offer personalized, tailor-made Sharia-compliant retail banking products, services, and experiences.

Extensive Islamic retail banking offerings

Offer customized and relevant Islamic deposits. Structure Islamic financial products that reduce risk.

Enhanced customization

Customize and attractively price Islamic products and offerings for customers and markets.

Islamic wealth management

Roll out Sharia-compliant wealth-management products and offerings.

Sharia-Compliant Islamic Corporate Banking

Deliver compelling Sharia-compliant corporate banking product offerings, including Islamic trade finance and Islamic investments.

Islamic finance

Structure Islamic financial products that comply with Sharia Law and AAOIFI requirements while reducing risk.

Trade finance and Treasury

Offer Islamic trade finance and streamline treasury operations for Islamic instruments.


Efficiently manage Sukuk and asset management operations.

United Bank embarks on a digital transformation

United Bank sets a course to elevate customer experience and expand business for Islamic banking and conventional banking.

Key benefits

01 Drive business agility

Accelerate time-to-market and tap new Islamic banking opportunities with comprehensive product management and flexible workflows. Scale the Islamic banking business line efficiently.

Explore Islamic Banking (PDF)

02 Enhance operational efficiency

Streamline Islamic banking operations and lower costs with enhanced connectivity and an open, flexible, and standards-based architecture. Leverage multiple deployment options and operating models, including pure-play Islamic, Islamic window, and coexisting Islamic and conventional banking.

03 Leverage the cloud

Leverage Oracle FLEXCUBE for Islamic Banking on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and take advantage of lower operating costs and enhanced availability and security.

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Oracle Named a Leader in 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Global Retail Core Banking

Oracle has been recognized as a top core banking platform provider by Gartner with its complete retail banking solution suite that provides next-evolution capabilities from a modern core to comprehensive business processes to an intuitive and engaging digital experience.

Read the press release

Oracle Financial Services Documentation

Oracle offers a wide range of documentation and tutorials that will help you learn more about Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking. You'll find all of these resources and more in the Oracle Help Center.

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