Oracle's Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance is an engineered data protection solution that protects transactions in real time, enabling you to recover databases within less than a second when an outage or ransomware attack occurs. Recovery automation, backup immutability, and a high-availability architecture help you meet organizational requirements to protect and rapidly recover crucial data.
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with minimal impact and maximum recovery readiness reduces resource overhead and costs.
with continuous, database-intelligent recovery validation avoids risky assumptions about your backups.
with fast database recovery up to your last committed transaction makes paying costly cyber ransoms unnecessary.
Purpose-built for Oracle Database, Recovery Appliance delivers unique capabilities to simplify data protection, strengthen your recovery posture, and improve overall efficiency to lower costs. Recovery Appliance enables you to protect database transactions as they occur to reduce data loss exposure and recover from backup predictably and quickly, minimizing downtime and impact in the event of a ransomware attack.
A Recovery Appliance overview graphic entitled “Intelligent Oracle Database Protection and Cyber Resiliency” includes two main sections. The first section, titled “Centralized, Policy-Based Management Throughout the Backup Lifecycle,” depicts multiple Oracle Database icons on the left labeled Oracle Database 19c-23ai. Two arrows point from these icons to the Recovery Appliance on the right, indicating that these databases use Recovery Appliance for data protection and would send the following over the network to the appliance:
A third arrow points from the Recovery Appliance back to the databases, depicting that the user would restore a virtual full backup.
This section also includes two boxes that highlight how users may use Recovery Appliance protection policies to define how backups are managed throughout their lifecycle:
The second graphic section includes a column that lists five key differentiators:
Recovery Appliance builds on Oracle Data Guard’s redo transport and Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) technologies to provide continuous data protection and recovery validation. The same software that created the backup is used to validate its integrity—without overhead on database servers.
Reduces recovery point objective (RPO) to
<1 sec
with real-time data protection
Delivers sustainable backup and restore throughput up to
60 TB/hr
per rack
Scales virtual full backup capacity1 from 2 PB up to
15 PB
in fully scaled-out configuration
Creates space-efficient backups of encrypted databases for up to a
reduction in storage consumption2
1. Virtual full backup capacity is the effective storage amount needed assuming a 10% change rate.
2. Backups of Oracle databases encrypted via Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) are compressed.
Continuous, in-depth backup integrity checks verify block correctness, RMAN restorability, and availability of all files needed for point-in-time recovery.
Database transactions are protected as they occur, enabling you to recover up to the point of the last committed transaction.
Data loss exposure and point-in-time recovery window metrics are available by database so you can understand your current database recovery posture.
Backup integrity validation during ingest identifies anomalies before storing files on disk and potentially exposing other backups to malware.
Proactive monitoring notifies you if data loss exposure for a database exceeds user-defined thresholds so you can address potential issues before a real problem exists.
Only changed blocks are sent to air-gapped cyber vaults, resulting in smaller, faster backups and a shorter timeframe when the vault network needs to be open.
Recovery Appliance offloads resource-intensive backup processes such as incremental merge or apply, RMAN recovery validation, and periodic full backups.
With an initial full backup, then incremental forever backups, you can reduce backup windows, database server overhead, and network traffic.
Recovery Appliance assembles full backups as needed for restore from space-optimized virtual backups, without overhead on database servers.
“We just weren’t sure that we could avoid having to pay a ransom if hackers got in; Recovery Appliance gives us the confidence we were looking for. Our data is protected in real time, backups are continuously validated, and we can quickly restore to any point in time with zero data loss. This gives us the resiliency to say no to hackers—I’m pretty happy with that device.”
Abel Daitey, CIO, GCB Bank PLC
Effectively protect Oracle databases, continuously validate all backups, and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks with rapid database recoveries to any point in time.
KuppingerCole Analysts: Zero Data Loss: Peace of Mind in the Ransomware Era
Recovery Appliance offloads resource-intensive backup and recovery processes, such as periodic full backups and backup validation from database servers, freeing up CPU resources for production database operations.
Automatically protect database change data as it’s created and protect it with a highly available data-protection system to reduce the risk of short- and long-term data loss.
Consistently protect Oracle databases across the enterprise with customer-defined recovery policies, and use built-in monitoring to determine whether they’re meeting their recoverability SLAs.
Reduce the duration and financial impact of unplanned downtime with automated recoveries that take less time than with traditional backup and recovery appliances.
Provide zero data loss protection and fast, predictable recovery for your Oracle databases running in OCI, AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud with Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service.
Allen Best, Oracle Product Manager
One of the biggest threats to both individuals and organizations in the digital age is the threat of ransomware. This kind of malware encrypts the data of its victims making it unreadable until a ransom is paid.
Protecting your databases requires understanding ransomware, how it works, and how to recover in the event of an attack.
Read the complete postLearn about Recovery Appliance.
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