Oracle Enterprise Manager 13.3(PG) Plug-in Only Update

Download Plug-ins

Post 13.3 release, we have revised few plug-ins and released 13.3PG Plug-in only update and you can download the 13.3 PG plug-ins from this page and use it along with the install/upgrade process. Details instructions on how to use the plug-in along with upgrade process is detailed here.

Plug-in (size/cksum)

Plug-in Description


Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database 03-Apr-19
Enterprise Manager for Oracle Exadata 03-Apr-19
Enterprise Manager for Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance 03-Apr-19
Enterprise Manager for Oracle Cloud Framework 03-Apr-19
Enterprise Manager for Cloud Services Management 03-Apr-19
Enterprise Manager for Systems Infrastructure 03-Apr-19
Enterprise Manager for Oracle Cloud Application 03-Apr-19
Enterprise Manager for Oracle Virtual Infrastructure 03-Apr-19

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