Oracle Health Perioperative

Delivering perioperative care requires the coordination of complex processes involving the entire care team. It’s complicated, very demanding, and an exact science. Oracle Health helps minimize the unpredictability of complex workflows by giving you access to critical clinical information at your fingertips.

Perioperative suite of solutions

Efficient tools for surgical anesthesia care

Oracle Health Anesthesia helps you manage workflows while documenting physiological parameters and medication administration. Our solution helps you provide the highest quality of care with capabilities that support device integration, access to patient records, barcode scanning medication administration, and preplanning to post-anesthesia care.

Access to patient records

Oracle Health Anesthesia provides you with access to the patient’s past medical history and current medications while you’re documenting the anesthesia plan. Our Oracle Health Anesthesia workflows provide customizable settings to help you complete the anesthesia care record quickly and easily.

Intuitive documentation tools

Our solution includes predefined plans for recording case information and drag-and-drop functionality to help you efficiently complete clinical documentation. Clinicians receive adverse drug reaction alerts when documenting medications. Once a patient reaches the post-anesthesia care unit, clinicians can complete documentation and finalize any follow-up order sets.

Information sharing across the organization

Care teams can easily access patient records and document clinical notes within a patient’s EHR—supporting consistent, informed care at every stage.

A streamlined approach to surgical care

Effectively manage patient care throughout the surgical process by automating, organizing, and streamlining your surgical workflow. With our intuitive scheduling, documentation management, and reporting tools, your surgical care teams can work to improve how care is delivered.

Accurate supply usage documentation

Case cart coordinator is a cloud-enabled application that supports inventory management workflows for surgical cases. Accessible via desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, it enables you to track supply and equipment usage by patient and procedure where and when you need to.

The application helps you automate the initial surgical case picking workflow and integrates supply barcode scanning into the process. Solution identifiers are captured at the point of filling, making nursing documentation during the day of surgery more efficient and improving the likelihood of accurate usage documentation—ultimately leading to accurate charging, supply management, and reporting.

The application’s integration with the initial surgical case picking workflow enhances the user experience, improves the accuracy of the pick list, and facilitates compliance with regulatory requirements.

Visibility into case status

Tracking abilities help your care teams view up-to-date patient and case status data, enabling them to manage routine and unexpected events. Case time information connects with the surgery schedule, facilitating more efficient use of available operating room time.

A standardized framework

We incorporate the AORN Syntegrity guidelines into our Oracle Health Perioperative solution so hospitals can limit the time spent developing individual processes and guidelines to ensure documentation is aligned with AORN recommendations.

A patient-centric approach to inventory management

Our solution helps enhance your existing ERP and materials management systems by integrating them with the patient care process. Oracle Health Perioperative Inventory Management provides a single platform that enables you to manage medication and supply inventory throughout the patient care process within the EHR.

Integration with ERP systems for easy replenishment

Perioperative Inventory Management aims to help your organization implement a lean replenishment model by sending supply needs directly to your replenishment system. The right item with the right unit of measure and quantity is automatically selected, relieving clinicians of the burden of searching for a specific item, brand, supplier, or unit of measure.

A comprehensive patient supply record

We enable organizations to transform the supply chain by eliminating many traditional processes. Information originating from the patient care process, such as recalls and inventory usage analytics, are stored in the patient supply record.

A streamlined charge capture model

Organizations can implement a closed-loop charge capture model with our solution that aims to help reduce charge stickers, improve revenue, and reduce charge review time. With this model, clinical events automatically record a specific, discrete item to the patient’s bill as a chargeable item. Once a patient ID is selected, the system determines the item’s charge status and applies the correct amount. Additionally, you can reconcile supply general ledger transactions to what’s documented and charged to a patient.

Capture procedural imaging directly in the patient record

Our solution integrates procedural imaging sources, such as cystoscopes, endoscopes, ultrasound processors, operating room integration systems, and more, with the EHR. Pictures taken during procedures can be included in procedure notes, patient education materials, and clinician communications.

Vendor-agnostic imaging integration

Our surgical and endoscopic imaging solution can integrate with most surgery and endoscopy systems, regardless of the manufacturer.

A seamless procedural workflow

We integrate imaging solutions into our EHR to help specialty physicians from multiple service lines access a procedural workflow that’s available within the hospital EHR, eliminating the need to access different departmental solutions.

MU Health Care saw a 19% drop in costs for laminectomy discectomies after standardizing surgery preference cards
By standardizing surgery preference cards at University of Missouri Health Care, laminectomy discectomy saw a 19% drop in costs when comparing the baseline of $1,190 across 140 procedures from July 2018 to December 2019 to the average post-standardization cost of $958 from January 1, 2020, to May 17, 2020, across 22 procedures.

Matt Waterman Executive Director, Surgical Services, University of Missouri Health System

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