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Get Oracle billing documentation based on lines of business.

Understanding your Oracle invoice

Oracle has many lines of businesses; invoices may vary depending on the contract. Generally, invoices are generated upon delivery of the product or services involved, and cannot be combined with other lines of business.

In most countries, Oracle’s default invoice delivery method is email. The invoice is delivered to the Bill To contact email address provided on the order. With additional set up, the email can also include established account-level contacts. Once the setup is complete, your invoice will be delivered to the designated recipients. For more information, please contact Billing Support.

Payment is due according to the terms of the agreement. Invoices will include the applicable sales, value-added, or other similar taxes. Pro forma or invoicing in advance of product or service delivery is not allowed.

Oracle Lines of Business

Oracle will submit invoices based on the standards outlined below for each Line of Business (LOB).

Cloud and Data Services

Invoices will be generated upon activation or provisioning services. Provisioning times can vary by product.

Billing type and billing frequency determine when the invoice is generated.

Billing Type Billing Frequency Billing Details
Universal Credit Model (UCM)

Generated the first few days of the month after service is consumed.

Timing of issuance of the invoice is determined by the terms of the Cloud Metered Services offering. Examples of billing frequency include in advance, in arrears, or delayed for a specified period of time, as per promotion.

Universal Credit Model (UCM)
Annual or Monthly Flex
Annual or Quarterly in Advance

Invoices are delivered after service has been provisioned.

Subscription (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) Annually or Quarterly in Advance

Invoices are delivered after all products on the order have been provisioned or after 15 days, whichever comes first.

If activation takes longer than 15 days, multiple invoices may be generated for a single order.

Overages Monthly

Generated the first few days of the month after service is consumed.

Invoiced in arrears.

Timing of issuance of an invoice is determined by the actual period in which usage has exceeded the agreed-upon prepaid amount.

Support Services

Support invoices are generated in advance of the services.

First year’s support is invoiced with the respective product. Premier Support is ordered using the same Master Agreement and order document as the software or hardware with which it is ordered.

Renewals of Premier Support are contracted for using the standard renewal letters, which contain a Service Details table, similar to an order document, and terms for renewal. The renewal letters reference an Agreement that will govern the renewal of support.

Premiere Support Renewals

  • Invoiced separately at each renewal year.
  • Itemized by product supported.
  • One line item for each product supported. Invoices may contain several lines items and be multiple pages in length.
  • Systems: One install/site location per invoice and per Purchase Order (PO).
  • Customers requiring separate invoice per install site must issue separate POs and renew each contract separately. It is not possible to have service lines with multiple ship-to locations on a single invoice.

Exceptions are made for Public Sector accounts, which legally require invoicing in arrears or after the services are delivered.

Advanced Customer Support (ACS)

  • Invoiced per the term outlined in the Ordering Document, and may include applicable Time and Materials services.
  • Fixed period/combined with License First Year Support (LFYS) order: Invoiced together with LFYS in Year 1, and separately upon renewal.


Systems, First Year Support, Installation Service, and all associated Systems fees are invoiced together on same invoice.

Systems are shipped when ready, unless consolidation fee is paid. Therefore, one order can result in multiple invoices based on system delivery dates.

Systems orders with a paid consolidation fee will result in a single invoice for all Systems, associated support, and Systems fees on a single order. All other products (for example, License) will invoice separately.

Freight is a separate line item on the invoice.


License invoices are generated immediately upon booking, assuming standard Electronic Product Download (EPD) terms.

In general, License and First Year Support are invoiced together on same invoice. Exceptions in countries where License and First Year Support are taxed differently may result in separate invoices.

Combined Systems and License orders will result in multiple invoices.

License lines and associated support invoice immediately; Systems invoices upon delivery.


Consulting invoices are generated after the services have been provided.

Consulting invoices for time and materials (expenses) are billed separately and cannot be combined with any other Lines of Business (LOB) for invoicing.

Expenditure detail reports are provided with every invoice.

Copies of time sheets are provided where required contractually, or where required by law.


Education, Learning Credits, and Onsite Training: Invoiced separately and cannot be combined with any other LOB for invoicing.

Education and Onsite Training are invoiced after the courses are completed.

Learning Credits invoices are generated immediately upon booking.

Invoice Data Elements

Standard data elements included on an invoice are:

  • Invoice Number
  • Invoice Date
  • PO Number
  • Payment Terms
  • Payment Instructions
  • Due Date
  • Bill To/Ship To Customer name and addresses
  • Oracle Order Number
  • End User
  • Line item descriptions
  • Extended price
  • Quantity
  • Tax/VAT
  • Oracle Tax ID
  • Support period, including Contract Start and End Dates and/or Billing Start and End Dates (depending on country)
  • Collections contact details

Note: Where statutory information is required, content is determined by government regulations.

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