Technical Documents
Java ME Embedded Product Documentation, Release Notes, Technical Articles, and other useful information.
References Implementations, Specifications, Samples, Data Sheets, Optional Packages, Programming Notes, and Guides.
System Requirements (PDF)
Java ME Embedded supports platforms that are specifically targeted for embedded markets.
Frequently asked questions about Java ME Embedded technology.
Java ME 8.x Embedded Technical Documentation
The Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) is a complete platform for application development and deployment. Java ME Embedded is based on Java ME and provides specific features and support Embedded systems.
Release Notes
Data Sheets
Technical Documentation, including
Oracle Java ME SDK 3.4 - now available with support for application development and deployment on all the development boards and platforms supported by Oracle Java ME Embedded 3.3 and Oracle Java ME Embedded 3.4.
Following is a list of APIs supported in Oracle Java ME Embedded:
Java ME 8 Reference Implementation APIs
(JSR 360) - CLDC 8
(JSR 360) - GFC 8
(JSR 361) - MEEP 8
Java ME Optional Package APIs
(JSR 75) - PDA Optional Packages for the J2ME Platform
(JSR 172) - Java ME Web Services
(JSR 177) - Security and Trust Services API
(JSR 280) - XML API
Oracle Java ME 8 Embedded APIs
Device Access API
System Configuration API
OAuth2 API
Security API
Runtime Update API
SSL Extension API
SATSA Extension API
More Documentation
Complete List of Java ME 8 API docs
Full Set of Java ME Embedded documentation
Following is a list of APIs supported in Oracle Java ME Embedded 3.x:
Reference Implementation APIs
(JSR 139) - CLDC 1.1
(JSR 228) - IMP-NG
Optional Package APIs
(JSR 75) - PDA Optional Packages for the J2ME Platform
(JSR 120) - Wireless Messaging
(JSR 172) - Java ME Web Services
(JSR 177) - Security and Trust Services API
(JSR 280) - XML API
Additional embedded APIs
Device Access API
Logging API
AccessPoint (Oracle Mobile Developer) API
Other Java ME APIs
The following APIs are supported in previous product releases.
(JSR 218) - CDC 1.1.2