Java™ SE Development Kit 12.0.1 (JDK 12.0.1)

April 16, 2019

The full version string for this update release is 12.0.1+12 (where "+" means "build"). The version number is 12.0.1.

IANA Data 2018g

JDK 12.0.1 contains IANA time zone data version 2018g. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.

Security Baselines

The security baselines for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at the time of the release of JDK 12.0.1 are specified in the following table:

JRE Family Version JRE Security Baseline
(Full Version String)
12 12.0.1+12
11 11.0.3+12
10 10.0.99
9 9.0.99
8 1.8.0_211-b12
7 1.7.0_221-b08
6 1.6.0_221

Oracle JDK Expiration Date

The JDK expires whenever a new release with security vulnerability fixes becomes available. Critical patch updates, which contain security vulnerability fixes, are announced one year in advance on Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Bulletins. This JDK (version 12.0.1) will expire with the release of the next critical patch update scheduled for July 16, 2019.

Known Issues


Java Access Bridge Installation Workaround

There is a risk of breaking Java Access Bridge functionality when installing Java on a Windows system that has both a previously installed version of Java and an instance of JAWS running. After rebooting, the system can be left without the WindowsAccessBridge-64.dll in either the system directory (C:\Windows\System32) for 64bit Java products or the system directory used by WOW64 (C:\Windows\SysWoW64) for 32bit Java products.

To prevent breaking Java Access Bridge functionality, use one of the following workarounds:

  • Stop JAWS before running the Java installer.
  • Uninstall the existing JRE(s) before installing the new version of Java.
  • Uninstall the existing JRE(s) after the new version of Java is installed and the machine is rebooted.

The goal of the workarounds is to avoid the scenario of uninstalling existing JRE(s) from Java installer when JAWS is running.

JDK-8223293 (not public)



Added GlobalSign R6 Root Certificate

The following root certificate has been added to the cacerts truststore:

  • GlobalSign
    • globalsignrootcar6

      DN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6

JDK-8216577 (not public)


New Japanese Era Name Reiwa

An instance representing the new Reiwa era has been added to this update. Unlike other eras, there is no public field for this era. It can be obtained by calling JapaneseEra.of(3) or JapaneseEra.valueOf("Reiwa"). JDK 13 and later will have a new public field to represent this era.

The placeholder name, "NewEra", for the Japanese era that started from May 1st, 2019 has been replaced with the new official name. Applications that relied on the placeholder name (see JDK-8202088) to obtain the new era singleton (JapaneseEra.valueOf("NewEra")) will no longer work.

See JDK-8205432

Bug Fixes

This release also contains fixes for security vulnerabilities described in the Oracle Critical Patch Update. For a more complete list of the bug fixes included in this release, see the JDK 12.0.1 Bug Fixes page.