
Consolidated JDK 24 Release Notes

Consolidated Release Notes

This page contains all of the release notes for the JDK 24 General Availability (GA) releases:

JDK 24 Release Notes

Publication Date: 18 March 2025

The following sections are included in these Release Notes:

Java™ SE Development Kit 24

These notes describe important changes, enhancements, removed APIs and features, deprecated APIs and features, and other information about JDK 24 and Java SE 24. In some cases, the descriptions provide links to additional detailed information about an issue or a change. This page does not duplicate the descriptions provided by the Java SE 24 ( JSR 399) Platform Specification, which provides informative background for all specification changes and might also include the identification of removed or deprecated APIs and features not described here. The Java SE 24 ( JSR 399) specification provides links to:

You should be aware of the content in the Java SE 24 ( JSR 399) specification as well as the items described in this page.

The descriptions on this Release Notes page also identify potential compatibility issues that you might encounter when migrating to JDK 24. The Kinds of Compatibility page on the OpenJDK wiki identifies the following three types of potential compatibility issues for Java programs that might be used in these release notes:

  • Source: Source compatibility preserves the ability to compile existing source code without error.

  • Binary: Binary compatibility is defined in The Java Language Specification as preserving the ability to link existing class files without error.

  • Behavioral: Behavioral compatibility includes the semantics of the code that is executed at runtime.

See CSRs Approved for JDK 24 for the list of CSRs closed in JDK 24 and the Compatibility & Specification Review (CSR) page on the OpenJDK wiki for general information about compatibility.

The full version string for this release is build 24+36 (where "+" means "build"). The version number is 24.

IANA Data 2024b

JDK 24 contains IANA time zone data version 2024b. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in Java Runtimes.



Major New Functionality


1. Language Previews

 Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof, and switch (Second Preview)

Enhance pattern matching by allowing primitive types in all pattern contexts, and extend instanceof and switch to work with all primitive types. This is a preview language feature.

See JEP 488


 Flexible Constructor Bodies (Third Preview)

In constructors in the Java programming language, allow statements to appear before an explicit constructor invocation, i.e., super(..) or this(..). The statements cannot reference the instance under construction, but they can initialize its fields. Initializing fields before invoking another constructor makes a class more reliable when methods are overridden. This is a preview language feature.

See JEP 492


 Module Import Declarations (Second Preview)

Enhance the Java programming language with the ability to succinctly import all of the packages exported by a module. This simplifies the reuse of modular libraries, but does not require the importing code to be in a module itself. This is a preview language feature.

See JEP 494


 Simple Source Files and Instance Main Methods (Fourth Preview)

Evolve the Java programming language so that beginners can write their first programs without needing to understand language features designed for large programs. Far from using a separate dialect of the language, beginners can write streamlined declarations for single-class programs and then seamlessly expand their programs to use more advanced features as their skills grow. Experienced developers can likewise enjoy writing small programs succinctly, without the need for constructs intended for programming in the large. This is a preview language feature.

See JEP 495


2. Performance and Runtime

 Compact Object Headers (Experimental)

Reduce the size of object headers in the HotSpot JVM from between 96 and 128 bits down to 64 bits on 64-bit architectures. This will reduce heap size, improve deployment density, and increase data locality.

See JEP 450


 Late Barrier Expansion for G1

Simplify the implementation of the G1 garbage collector's barriers, which record information about application memory accesses, by shifting their expansion from early in the C2 JIT's compilation pipeline to later.

See JEP 475


 Ahead-of-Time Class Loading & Linking

Improve startup time by making the classes of an application instantly available, in a loaded and linked state, when the HotSpot Java Virtual Machine starts. Achieve this by monitoring the application during one run and storing the loaded and linked forms of all classes in a cache for use in subsequent runs. Lay a foundation for future improvements to both startup and warmup time.

See JEP 483


 Synchronize Virtual Threads without Pinning

Improve the scalability of Java code that uses synchronized methods and statements by arranging for virtual threads that block in such constructs to release their underlying platform threads for use by other virtual threads. This will eliminate nearly all cases of virtual threads being pinned to platform threads, which severely restricts the number of virtual threads available to handle an application's workload.

See JEP 491


3. Libraries

 Stream Gatherers

Enhance the Stream API to support custom intermediate operations. This will allow stream pipelines to transform data in ways that are not easily achievable with the existing built-in intermediate operations.

See JEP 485


 Class-File API

Provide a standard API for parsing, generating, and transforming Java class files.

See JEP 484


 Scoped Values (Fourth Preview)

Introduce scoped values, which enable a method to share immutable data both with its callees within a thread, and with child threads. Scoped values are easier to reason about than thread-local variables. They also have lower space and time costs, especially when used together with virtual threads (JEP 444) and structured concurrency (JEP 480). This is a preview API.

See JEP 487


 Vector API (Ninth Incubator)

Introduce an API to express vector computations that reliably compile at runtime to optimal vector instructions on supported CPU architectures, thus achieving performance superior to equivalent scalar computations.

See JEP 489


 Structured Concurrency (Fourth Preview)

Simplify concurrent programming by introducing an API for structured concurrency. Structured concurrency treats groups of related tasks running in different threads as a single unit of work, thereby streamlining error handling and cancellation, improving reliability, and enhancing observability. This is a preview API.

See JEP 499


3.1 Security Libraries

 Key Derivation Function API (Preview)

Introduce an API for Key Derivation Functions (KDFs), which are cryptographic algorithms for deriving additional keys from a secret key and other data. This is a preview API.

See JEP 478


 Quantum-Resistant Module-Lattice-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism

Enhance the security of Java applications by providing an implementation of the quantum-resistant Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM). Key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) are used to secure symmetric keys over insecure communication channels using public key cryptography. ML-KEM is designed to be secure against future quantum computing attacks. It has been standardized by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in FIPS 203.

See JEP 496


 Quantum-Resistant Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm

Enhance the security of Java applications by providing an implementation of the quantum-resistant Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm (ML-DSA). Digital signatures are used to detect unauthorized modifications to data and to authenticate the identity of signatories. ML-DSA is designed to be secure against future quantum computing attacks. It has been standardized by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in FIPS 204.

See JEP 497


4. Removals and Warnings for Future Changes

 Prepare to Restrict the Use of JNI

Issue warnings about uses of the Java Native Interface (JNI) and adjust the Foreign Function & Memory (FFM) API to issue warnings in a consistent manner. All such warnings aim to prepare developers for a future release that ensures integrity by default by uniformly restricting JNI and the FFM API. Application developers can avoid both current warnings and future restrictions by selectively enabling these interfaces where essential.

See JEP 472


 Permanently Disable the Security Manager

The Security Manager has not been the primary means of securing client-side Java code for many years, it has rarely been used to secure server-side code, and it is costly to maintain. We therefore deprecated it for removal in Java 17 via JEP 411 (2021). As the next step toward removing the Security Manager, we will revise the Java Platform specification so that developers cannot enable it and other Platform classes do not refer to it. This change will have no impact on the vast majority of applications, libraries, and tools. We will remove the Security Manager API in a future release.

See JEP 486


 ZGC: Remove the Non-Generational Mode

Remove the non-generational mode of the Z Garbage Collector (ZGC), keeping the generational mode as the default for ZGC.

See JEP 490


 Warn upon Use of Memory-Access Methods in sun.misc.Unsafe

Issue a warning at run time on the first occasion that any memory-access method in sun.misc.Unsafe is invoked. All of these unsupported methods were terminally deprecated in JDK 23. They have been superseded by standard APIs, namely the VarHandle API (JEP 193, JDK 9) and the Foreign Function & Memory API (JEP 454, JDK 22). We strongly encourage library developers to migrate from sun.misc.Unsafe to supported replacements, so that applications can migrate smoothly to modern JDK releases.

See JEP 498



New Features

This section describes some of the enhancements in Java SE 24 and JDK 24. In some cases, the descriptions provide links to additional detailed information about an issue or a change. The APIs described here are provided with the Oracle JDK. It includes a complete implementation of the Java SE 24 Platform and additional Java APIs to support developing, debugging, and monitoring Java applications. Another source of information about important enhancements and new features in Java SE 24 and JDK 24 is the Java SE 24 ( JSR 399) Platform Specification, which documents the changes to the specification made between Java SE 23 and Java SE 24. This document includes descriptions of those new features and enhancements that are also changes to the specification. The descriptions also identify potential compatibility issues that you might encounter when migrating to JDK 24.

 New Reader.of(CharSequence) Method (JDK-8341566)

The static factory method has been added to get a Reader that reads characters from a CharSequence, String and StringBuilder are examples of a CharSequence. The returned Reader is more efficient than using a in some cases, as the latter requires conversion to String and synchronization.

 Support for Unicode 16.0 (JDK-8319993)

This release upgrades the Unicode version to 16.0, which includes updated versions of the Unicode Character Database and Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #15, and #29:

  • The java.lang.Character class supports the Unicode Character Database, which adds 5,185 characters, for a total of 154,998 characters. The new additions include seven new scripts:
    • Garay is a modern-use script from West Africa.
    • Gurung Khema, Kirat Rai, Ol Onal and Sunuwar are four modern-use scripts from Northeast India and Nepal.
    • Todhri is an historic script used for Albanian.
    • Tulu-Tigalari is an historic script from Southwest India.
  • The java.text.Bidi and java.text.Normalizer classes support Unicode Standard Annexes, #9 and #15, respectively.
  • The java.util.regex package supports Extended Grapheme Clusters based on the Unicode Standard Annex #29.

For more details about Unicode 16.0, refer to the Unicode Consortium’s release note.

 New Method Process.waitFor(Duration) (JDK-8336479)

A new, overloaded method, java.lang.Process#waitFor(Duration), has been added. The existing waitFor() method with timeout needs both a primitive time out value and its unit. The new method uses java.time.Duration so that the user will not be confused with the unit.

 New JAR Command Option to Not Overwrite Existing Files (JDK-8335912)

The jar tool's extract operation has been enhanced to allow the --keep-old-files and the -k options to be used in preventing the overwriting of existing files.


jar xkf foo.jar


jar --extract --keep-old-files --file foo.jar

Either of these commands will extract the contents of foo.jar. If an entry with the same name already exists in the target directory, then the existing file will not be overwritten.

 New MXBean to Monitor and Manage Virtual Thread Scheduler (JDK-8338890)

A new, JDK-specific monitoring and management interface,, has been added to allow Java Management Extension (JMX) based tooling to monitor and manage the virtual thread scheduler. The interface supports monitoring the virtual thread scheduler's target parallelism, the threads used by the scheduler, and the number of virtual threads queued to the scheduler. It also supports dynamically changing the scheduler's target parallelism.

 New jcmd Commands Thread.vthread_scheduler and Thread.vthread_pollers (JDK-8337199)

Two commands have been added to the jcmd command line tool to print information that may be useful when diagnosing issues with virtual threads.

jcmd <pid> Thread.vthread_scheduler prints the virtual thread scheduler, the target parallelism, number of threads, and other useful counters. The output also includes the delayed task schedulers that support virtual threads doing timed operations.

jcmd <pid> Thread.vthread_pollers prints the I/O pollers that support virtual threads doing blocking network I/O operations.

For more details, see the jar command man page.

 Support for Including Security Properties Files (JDK-8319332)

The security properties file, and those referred to by the system property, now support including other properties files. The directive include <path-to-a-file> can be used for this purpose. The effect of including a file is equivalent to defining its properties inline at the inclusion point. Find more information and examples in the Security Properties Files Inclusion section of the Security Developer Guide and in JDK-8319333.

As a result of this change, the name include can no longer be used to define a property in a security properties file. If the name include is passed to the or ::setProperty APIs, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

 Document Standard Hash and MGF Algorithms for RSASSA-PSS Signature (JDK-8248981)

A new section for PSSParameterSpec algorithm names has been added to the Java Security Standard Algorithm Names specification. This section lists the standard hash and message generation function (MGF) algorithms that can be specified when initializing an RSASSA-PSS signature with a PSSParameterSpec object.

 SunPKCS11 Provider Is Enhanced to Use CKM_AES_CTS Mechanism If Supported by Native PKCS11 Library (JDK-8330842)

The SunPKCS11 provider has been enhanced to support the following AES CTS transformations for the Cipher service type:

  • AES/CTS/NoPadding
  • AES_128/CTS/NoPadding
  • AES_192/CTS/NoPadding
  • AES_256/CTS/NoPadding

The Addendum to NIST Special Publication 800-38A defines three variants of Ciphertext Stealing for CBC mode: CBC-CS1, CBC-CS2, and CBC-CS3. To ensure interoperability with SunJCE and Kerberos, which use the CS3 variant, the SunPKCS11 provider needs to know the variant implemented by the underlying PKCS #11 library and convert the data if it is not in the CS3 variant. A new SunPKCS11 provider configuration attribute named cipherTextStealingVariant is introduced and must be set with any of the following values: CS1, CS2, or CS3, to indicate the CTS variant of the underlying PKCS #11 library. An exception exists for NSS as it is known to be CS1. Otherwise, the PKCS #11 CKM_AES_CTS mechanism is disabled.

For further information, see SunPKCS11 Configuration and SunPKCS11 Provider Supported Algorithms.

 Configurable New Session Tickets Count for TLSv1.3 (JDK-8328608)

A new system property, jdk.tls.server.newSessionTicket, sets the number of TLSv1.3 resumption tickets sent by a JSSE server per session. It can be set on the command line with -Djdk.tls.server.newSessionTicket=#, where # ranges from 0 to 10. The default is 1.

For more details, see Customizing JSSE.

 Mechanism to Disable TLS Cipher Suites by Pattern Matching (JDK-8341964)

TLS cipher suites can be disabled with the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms security property in the configuration file using one or more "" wildcard characters. For example, "TLS_RSA_" disables all cipher suites that start with "TLS_RSA_". Only cipher suites starting with "TLS_" are allowed to have wildcard characters.

 New Option to Extract a JAR File to a Specific Directory Using the jar Tool (JDK-8173970)

The jar tool's extract operation has been enhanced to allow the --dir or the -C options to be used to specify the directory where the archive will be extracted.

Example Usages:

jar -xf foo.jar -C /tmp/bar/


jar --extract --file foo.jar --dir /tmp/bar/

Either of these commands will extract the foo.jar to the /tmp/bar directory.

For more details, see the jar command man page.

 New Summary Page for External Specifications (JDK-8344041)

The API documentation contains a new summary page listing external specifications referenced by Java SE and JDK APIs. A link to the new summary page can be found in the Index page linked in the API documentation navigation bar.

For more details, see External Specifications.

 jpackage Supports WiX Toolset v4 and v5 on Windows (JDK-8319457)

jpackage can use WiX Toolset v4 and v5, in addition to v3, on Windows. It will automatically choose the newest installed version.

jpackage supports custom WiX sources in both WiX v3 and v4 formats. If WiX Toolset v4 or v5 is used, jpackage will automatically convert custom WiX sources in WiX v3 format to WiX v4 format.

 Add W3C DTDs and XSDs to the JDK built-in Catalog (JDK-8344800)

The JDK built-in XML Catalog, introduced in JDK 22 with standard DTDs of the Java Platform, now includes the following DTDs and XSDs defined by W3C specifications. These DTDs and XSDs will be loaded locally from the XML Catalog, without requiring network access.



Removed Features and Options

This section describes the APIs, features, and options that were removed in Java SE 24 and JDK 24. The APIs described here are those that are provided with the Oracle JDK. It includes a complete implementation of the Java SE 24 Platform and additional Java APIs to support developing, debugging, and monitoring Java applications. Another source of information about important enhancements and new features in Java SE 24 and JDK 24 is the Java SE 24 ( JSR 399) Platform Specification, which documents changes to the specification made between Java SE 23 and Java SE 24. This document includes the identification of removed APIs and features not described here. The descriptions below might also identify potential compatibility issues that you could encounter when migrating to JDK 24. See CSRs Approved for JDK 24 for the list of CSRs closed in JDK 24.

 Linux Desktop GTK2 Support Is Removed (JDK-8329471)

The JDK's java.desktop module has internal code that interoperates with multiple versions of the GTK platform library. This is primarily to support the Swing GTK LookAndFeel.

The JDK previously included support for interoperating with the GTK 2 version of the library, which is reaching the end of its life. GTK 3 long ago superseded it and is supported by the JDK as the preferred default. To use GTK 2, apps must request it using the jdk.gtk.version System property. And since many recent Linux distributions make GTK 2 only an optional install, it may require extra work to use it. Future Linux distributions will likely not provide any way to install it.

Since all versions of Linux to be supported by JDK 24 provide GTK3, GTK2 support in JDK is now removed.

Setting the jdk.gtk.version System property to 2 or 2.2 will no longer have any effect. GTK 3 will be loaded.

 Remove JDK1.1 Compatible Behavior for "EST", "MST", and "HST" Time Zones (JDK-8340477)

The JDK 1.1-compatible behavior for the "EST," "MST," and "HST" time zones has been removed. Previously, this behavior could be enabled using the sun.timezone.ids.oldmapping system property, but this property is no longer operational in this release. In general, the use of all legacy Three-letter time zone IDs is deprecated. Instead, use the corresponding region-based time zone IDs listed in ZoneId.SHORT_IDS.

 The javax.naming.Context.APPLET Constant Is Removed (JDK-8340359)

The javax.naming.Context.APPLET constant, which has been deprecated since Java 9, has been removed from the javax.naming.Context class. Applications relying on this constant will require modification.

 The JNDI Environment Property Is Removed (JDK-8344299)

The JNDI environment property is no longer supported. This property, used to request installation of the RMISecurityManager, is no longer effective. As the SecurityManager is removed, this property is no longer needed.

 JNDI Remote Code Downloading Is Permanently Disabled (JDK-8338536)

JNDI remote code downloading for LDAP and RMI providers is now permanently disabled. The com.sun.jndi.rmi.object.trustURLCodebase and com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase system properties are removed.

 Removal of serialVersionUID Compatibility Logic from JMX (JDK-8334165)

Some classes contained a feature for Serialization compatibility with very old JMX releases (1.0, 1.1, 1.2), which are from before JMX was an integrated part of the JDK (in JDK 5). This was enabled using the jmx.serial.form system property.

This compatibility logic offered no value, and only added complexity, so has been removed. This will not affect any JMX features, or any interactions between JMX features in different JDKs.

 The java Command Line Options -t, -tm, -Xfuture, -checksource, -cs, and -noasyncgc are Removed (JDK-8339918)

The java command no longer accepts the -t, -tm, -Xfuture, -checksource, -cs, and -noasyncgc options.

These options are henceforth treated as unrecognized and usage of any of these options will lead to an error resulting in a failure to launch java. Applications that were launching java with the -Xfuture option may consider using -Xverify:all in its place - the rest of the options have no replacements.



Deprecated Features and Options

Additional sources of information about the APIs, features, and options deprecated in Java SE 24 and JDK 24 include:

  • The Deprecated API page identifies all deprecated APIs including those deprecated in Java SE 24.
  • The Java SE 24 ( JSR 399) specification documents changes to the specification made between Java SE 23 and Java SE 24 that include the identification of deprecated APIs and features not described here.
  • JEP 277: Enhanced Deprecation provides a detailed description of the deprecation policy. You should be aware of the updated policy described in this document.

You should be aware of the contents in those documents as well as the items described in this release notes page.

The descriptions of deprecated APIs might include references to the deprecation warnings of forRemoval=true and forRemoval=false. The forRemoval=true text indicates that a deprecated API might be removed from the next major release. The forRemoval=false text indicates that a deprecated API is not expected to be removed from the next major release but might be removed in some later release.

The descriptions below also identify potential compatibility issues that you might encounter when migrating to JDK 24. See CSRs Approved for JDK 24 for the list of CSRs closed in JDK 24.

core-libs/java.util.jar Is Deprecated for Removal (JDK-8336843) has been deprecated for removal. This error class has been obsolete for many releases and has not been used by the reference implementation since Java 8.

Any existing code that used to throw should consider throwing instead. Code needing to catch this error when running on releases prior to Java 9 may be updated to catch the parent java.lang.InternalError class instead.

 jstatd Is Deprecated for Removal (JDK-8327793)

The jstatd tool is deprecated, for removal in a future release. jstatd is an RMI server application which monitors HotSpot VMs, and provides a remote interface for jstat. This will not affect use of jstat to read the performance counters from local VMs.

 jrunscript Tool Is Deprecated for Removal (JDK-8341134)

jrunscript tool has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Usage of this tool will now print a deprecation warning.

 The jdk.jsobject Module Is Deprecated for Removal (JDK-8311530)

The jdk.jsobject module is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. The jdk.jsobject module will instead be delivered with JavaFX 24 and later. To facilitate the transition, jdk.jsobject is now an upgradable module in the JDK. This allows applications to use the version of jdk.jsobject delivered with JavaFX in place of the one in the JDK to avoid the compiler warning.

 The LockingMode Flag and the LM_LEGACY And LM_MONITOR Modes Are Deprecated (JDK-8334299)

A new, lightweight locking mechanism for object monitor locking was introduced in JDK 21 under JDK-8291555. The LockingMode flag was introduced to allow selection of this new mechanism, (LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, value 2), in place of the default mechanism, (LM_LEGACY, value 1). In JDK 23, the LockingMode default was changed to LM_LIGHTWEIGHT.

In JDK 24, the LockingMode flag, along with the LM_LEGACY (1) and LM_MONITOR (0) modes, are deprecated. The default locking mode, LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, will be the only internal implementation that is supported when these locking modes become obsolete in a future release.

This is not expected to change any semantic behavior of Java monitor locking and it is expected to be performance neutral for almost all applications.

 jhsdb debugd Is Deprecated for Removal (JDK-8338894)

The debugd subcommand of the jhsdb tool is deprecated, for removal in a future release. jhsdb debugd is an RMI server which provides a remote interface for other jhsdb commands. Those commands use the --connect option which is also deprecated for removal. This will not affect usage of jhsdb for debugging local VMs or core files.

 The java Command Line Options -verbosegc, -noclassgc, -verify, -verifyremote, -ss, -ms and -mx Are Deprecated for Removal (JDK-8286851)

The -verbosegc, -noclassgc, -verify, -verifyremote, -ss, -ms, and -mx options of the java command are deprecated for removal. Usage of any of these options when launching java will now log a deprecation warning.

Applications may consider replacing usages of these options with the following:

Deprecated Replacement
-verbosegc -verbose:gc
-noclassgc -Xnoclassgc
-verify -Xverify:all
-verifyremote -Xverify:remote
-ss -Xss
-ms -Xms
-mx -Xmx




Notable Issues Resolved

The following notes describe previous known issues or limitations that have been corrected in this release.

 java.lang.constant.MethodTypeDesc.resolveConstantDesc Throws ClassNotFoundException Instead of TypeNotPresentException (JDK-8304929)

In previous releases, MethodTypeDesc.resolveConstantDesc threw an unchecked TypeNotPresentException instead of a checked ReflectiveOperationException when a component class was not found. This behavior is now corrected to throw a ClassNotFoundException, conforming to the specification.

Code that previously handled TypeNotPresentException in addition to ReflectiveOperationException can consolidate the exception handling into the existing ReflectiveOperationException handling.

 Reflective Invocation of VarHandle Signature Polymoprhic Methods Throws UnsupportedOperationException (JDK-8335638)

Reflectively invoking VarHandle signature polymorphic methods is specified to throw UnsupportedOperationException. However, the implementation previously threw UnsatisfiedLinkError in such cases. The behavior was adjusted to conform to the specification.

 Undefined Type Variables No Longer Result in null (JDK-8337302)

Core reflection now throws a TypeNotPresentException instead of substituting a null value when encountering an undefined type variable in a generic signature. The previous incorrect behavior had been in place since the addition of generic signatures in JDK 5. The TypeNotPresentException::typeName method may return type variable names in addition to fully qualified names of classes.

 NumberFormat Supports IntegerOnly Parsing With Suffix (JDK-8333755)

DecimalFormat, when the format expects a suffix, now parses correctly when the parse value contains a decimal symbol and isParseIntegerOnly() would return true. Previously, parsing would fail for such cases and the correct value never returned.

For example, in the following snippet, 5 will now be returned by the parse(String) invocation, instead of a ParseException thrown.

    NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale.US);


 JDK RPM Upgrade Leaves Orphan Alternatives Entry (JDK-8336107 (not public))

Fixed the issue with entries in the "java" and "javac" groups not being properly managed during an RPM upgrade.

Upgrading from an older Java RPM installed into a shared directory (/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-${FEATURE}-oracle-${ARCH}) to a Java RPM installing into a version-specific directory (/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-${VERSION}-oracle-${ARCH}), results in the older Java entries in the "java" and "javac" groups not being deleted.

The issue does not manifest until the new Java is uninstalled. When it is uninstalled and Java from the lower release is installed, running Java commands like java or keytool without the full path specified will result in the "command not found" error. For example, install 21.0.3; upgrade it to 21.0.4; uninstall 21.0.4; install any Java update of 17 or 11 or 8 release; run "java" from the command line. The command will fail with the "command not found" error.

Manually delete orphan Java entries in the "java" and "javac" groups to workaround the issue.

 Single-line Leading /// Dangling Comments Are No Longer Warned About (JDK-8341907)

DocLint in javac and javadoc no longer warns about a /// single-line, dangling comment that starts a file. This is to accommodate systems that support a stylized comment on the first line of a source file as a way to "auto-execute" the file.

 javac Accepts class Files With Any Number of Entries in RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations and RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations Attributes (JDK-8334870)

The Java Virtual Machine Specification is permissive regarding the number of entries of the RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations and RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attributes in the class file format. The javac tool was less permissive, and was rejecting class files that had a different number of entries than javac expected.

With JDK 24, this is fixed, and javac now accepts class files with any number of entries in the RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations and RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attributes. A compile-time warning is produced if the content of the attributes cannot be mapped to the corresponding method's parameters.



Known Issues

The following notes describe known issues or limitations in this release.

 Incorrect Result of Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros (JDK-8349637)

Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros may return an incorrect result on x86_64 with AVX2. The issue is caused by an incorrect JIT compiler optimization. As a workaround, the following command-line options can be used -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:DisableIntrinsic=_numberOfLeadingZeros_i.

 OperatingSystemMXBean CpuLoad() Methods Return -1.0 on Windows (JDK-8350820)

On Windows, the OperatingSystemMXBean CPU load methods, such as getSystemCpuLoad, getCpuLoad, and getProcessCpuLoad, always return -1. This error affects CPU usage monitoring of Windows targets.

This issue was introduced during JDK 24 development. It does not affect earlier releases. It was found too late to be fixed in JDK 24, but will be resolved in an update release.


Other Notes

The following notes describe additional changes and information about this release. In some cases, the following descriptions provide links to additional detailed information about an issue or a change.

 New Methods in sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory (JDK-8333796)

New methods have been added to sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory to allow custom serialization libraries get MethodHandles to invoke methods that implement the default behavior for serializable classes. The new methods are defaultReadObjectForSerialization and defaultWriteObjectForSerialization. The method serialPersistentFields has also been added to allow custom serialization libraries obtain the serialPersistentFields from a serializable class.

sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory is an undocumented API in the jdk.unsupported module. It serves as a stop-gap for custom serialization that would otherwise need to break encapsulation to access inaccessible fields.

 ProcessBuilder on Windows Quotes Argument Strings Containing Any Space Character (JDK-8335428 (not public))

On Windows, the ProcessBuilder has expanded the quoting of argument strings when starting a process to ensure they are recognized by the application as a single command argument. The set of space characters has been expanded from space (0x20) to include all space characters as defined by java.lang.Character.isSpaceChar, which includes all Unicode space separator characters, such as EN-SPACE (0x2002), and line separator and paragraph separator characters.

 sun.misc.URLClassPath.disableJarChecking System Property to Verify JAR File Header in URLClassLoader's ClassPath (JDK-8341551)

The system property sun.misc.URLClassPath.disableJarChecking controls whether the first 4 bytes of JAR files on the class path are checked to be the magic number for ZIP files ("PK"). The check is not performed by default.

If the system property is set on the command line to the value false, then JAR files on the class path are checked. JAR files used by at run time are also checked. JAR files that fail the check are ignored.

 New Default Limits in the JDK HTTP Implementations (JDK-8328286 (not public))

New Default limits have been added to HTTP in the JDK.

The JDK built-in implementation of the legacy URL protocol handler for HTTP, HttpURLConnection, and the new HttpClient, in the module, now have a default limit on the maximum response headers size they will accept from a remote party. The limit is set by default at 384kB (393216 bytes) and is computed as the cumulative size of all header names and header values plus an overhead of 32 bytes per header name value pair.

The default value of the limit can be changed by specifying a positive value with the jdk.http.maxHeaderSize system property on the command line, or in the $JAVA_HOME/conf/ file. A negative or zero value is interpreted as no limit. If the limit is exceeded, the request will fail with a protocol exception.

The JDK built-in implementation of the (jdk.httpserver) implements a similar limit for the maximum request header size the server is prepared to accept. The HttpServer limit can be changed by specifying a positive value with the system property on the command line. A negative or zero value is interpreted as no limit. The limit is set by default at 384kB (393216 bytes) and the size is computed in the same way as explained above. If the limit is exceeded, the connection is closed.

In addition, the JDK built-in implementation of the new enforces two additional limits:

The system property jdk.httpclient.maxNonFinalResponses can be specified with a positive value on the java command line, or in the $JAVA_HOME/conf/ file, to control how many interim responses the client will accept before receiving a final response. An interim response is considered informational and is a response whose status is in the range [100, 199]. These responses are typically either handled internally or simply discarded by the implementation. The default limit is now set at a maximum of 8 interim responses before receiving the final response. A negative or zero value is interpreted as no limit. If the limit is exceeded, the request will fail with a protocol exception.

The system property jdk.httpclient.maxLiteralWithIndexing can be specified with a positive value on the java command line, or in the $JAVA_HOME/conf/ file, to control how many additions a server may request a client to make to the HPack dynamic table when decoding a set of headers. The default maximum value is now set to 512. A negative or zero value is interpreted as no limit. If the limit is exceeded, the request will fail with a protocol exception.

 HttpClient 100-continue Timeout (JDK-8324209) would previously timeout if a server didn’t respond to a request which included a Expect: 100-Continue header. 
This release updates HttpClient to send the request body if the server doesn’t respond. This brings the implementation in line with RFC 9110.

 Socket.connect Closes the Socket If the Connection Cannot Be Established (JDK-8343791)

The connect methods defined by are now specified, and changed, to close the Socket if the connection cannot be established, or the timeout (if provided) expires before the connection is established.

The behavior in previous JDK releases was to close the underlying socket when a connection could not be established but leave the Socket open. The resulting Socket was "useless" as most methods behaved as if the Socket was closed.

The behavior of the connect methods when invoked with an unresolved InetSocketAddress was unspecified in previous releases. The behavior in JDK 11 and older releases was to close the underlying socket, throw UnknownHostException, but leave the Socket open in a "useless" state. The behavior in JDK 12 to JDK 23 was to throw UnknownHostException without closing the Socket or underlying socket. This case is now specified, and changed, to close the Socket, the underlying socket, and throw UnknownHostException if the connection cannot be established because the address is unresolved.

As part of this change, calling the connect method on a Socket obtained from a SocketChannel will now throw IOException if already connected. This is the specified exception for this scenario. The incorrect behavior in previous releases was to throw AlreadyConnectedException for this case.

 Authenticator No Longer Overwrites User Set Authorization Headers (JDK-8326949)

Prior to JDK 24, if a is set on a HttpClient, then any user set Authorization or Proxy-Authorization headers will be removed or overwritten by values generated by the client library. From JDK 24, if such headers are set by the user, then they will be left in place and the authenticator will not be invoked for the respective header. In particular, if the authentication fails for the provided header, the failed response with the 401 0r 407 status code will be returned directly to the calling code. One use case for this could be to let the authenticator handle proxy authentication and for the user to set the Authorization headers for the server.

core-libs/ Is Enhanced to Report HTTP/2 Flow Control Errors to the Server (JDK-8342075)

The will now report HTTP/2 flow control errors to the server when they are detected. This is an implementation detail that should be transparent to users of the HttpClient API, but could result in streams being reset or connections being closed if connecting to a non-conformant HTTP/2 server.

 Memory Used by Internal Temporary Direct Buffers Is No Longer Limited (JDK-8344882)

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) option MaxDirectMemorySize controls the maximum total size of memory that may be used for direct buffers in an instance of the JVM. Its default value is the maximum size of the heap. Prior to JDK 24, the amount of memory allocated for internal, temporary direct buffers such as used, for example, when reading from or writing to a java.nio.channels.FileChannel, was included in this total. As of JDK 24, internal use of temporary direct buffers is no longer included in the total.

 MessageFormat ArgumentIndex Now Has a Limit (JDK-8331446 (not public))

In the JDK, java.text.MessageFormat now has an implementation limit for the ArgumentIndex pattern element. The hard limit for the value is 10,000.

If an ArgumentIndex value is equal to or exceeds the upper limit, an IllegalArgumentException will now be thrown by

  • MessageFormats constructors
  • applyPattern(String pattern) instance method
  • format(String pattern, Object... arguments) static method

De-serializing a MessageFormat object with an ArgumentIndex value at or over the limit will throw an InvalidObjectException.

 Support for Time Zone Database 2024b (JDK-8339637)

IANA Time Zone Database has been upgraded to 2024b. This version mainly includes changes to improve historical data for Mexico, Mongolia, and Portugal. It also changes one timestamp abbreviation, for the time zone 'MET'. Also Asia/Choibalsan is now an alias for Asia/Ulaanbaatar.

The new tzdata changes also impact some legacy zone IDs. Mapping of EST/MST/HST in java.time.ZoneId.SHORT_IDS have changed from fixed offset zones to links to other existing time zones with 2024b. "EST" now links to "America/Panama", "HST" links to "Pacific/Honolulu" and "MST" links to "America/Phoenix". Parsing of the short zone names "EST", "MST", and "HST" is not affected by this change. Further details are available at JDK-8340138

 Support for CLDR Version 46 (JDK-8333582)

The locale data based on the Unicode Consortium's CLDR has been upgraded to version 46. Besides the usual addition of new locale data and translation changes, there are notable changes from the upstream CLDR, affecting Date/Time/Number formattings:

  • First day of week is Monday in UAE CLDR-15697
  • Default numbering system for Arabic in non-Arabic-speaking locations CLDR-17553
  • Comma is added for some date formatting patterns CLDR-17812 -
  • Some time zone names changed due to them becoming links to other zones CLDR-17960

Note that locale data is subject to change in a future release of the CLDR. Although not all locale data changes affect the JDK, users should not assume stability across releases. For more details, please refer to the Unicode Consortium's CLDR release notes and their locale data deltas.

 RedefineClasses verifies the redefined classes (JDK-8330606)

When redefining a class with JVMTI RedefineClasses, the new bytecodes are verified with the Class File Verifier regardless of the setting of the deprecated -Xverify option.

 Decorate Newlines in Unified Logging Multiline Messages (JDK-8288298)

Unified Logging now outputs a special empty decorator [ ] followed by a space after newlines in multiline log messages. This change allows unambiguous parsing of Unified Logging output.

To illustrate the change, consider the output of log_info(gc)("A\n[gc] B");:

[gc] A

[  ] [gc] B

It is possible to parse this multiline message unambiguously. This was previously not possible, as the output was

[gc] A

[gc] B

which could (and likely would be) parsed as two distinct log messages A and B.

Tools that currently deal with multiline parsing ambiguities in Unified Logging require an update. The updates will likely result in simpler and more robust implementations.

 Compact Object Headers (Experimental) (JDK-8305895)

This release adds experimental support for compact object headers. In current 64-bit implementations, Java objects have a 12-byte header. Compact object headers reduce header sizes to 8 bytes, improving the Java heap footprint. This experimental feature can be enabled with -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCompactObjectHeaders. Find more details in JEP 450.

 UseCompactObjectHeaders CDS Archives Creation (JDK-8341553)

The CDS archives for the Compact Object Headers feature are not included in the JDK released by Oracle. In order to take advantage of the start-up performance offered by CDS, the user can build the CDS archives with Compact Object Headers as follows:

java -Xshare:dump -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCompactObjectHeaders

The above command generates the classes_coh.jsa which is located in the same directory as the default CDS archive (classes.jsa). For example, on Linux, it is located in the <jdk>/lib/server directory.

To generate a CDS archive with Compact Object Headers and with compressed oops disabled:

java -Xshare:dump -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCompactObjectHeaders -XX:-UseCompressedOops

The above command generates the classes_nocoops_coh.jsa which is located in the same directory as the default CDS archive with compressed oops disabled (classes_nocoops.jsa). For example, on Linux, it is located in the <jdk>/lib/server directory.

 The Java Uninstall Tool Will Repair the Windows Registry (JDK-8343761 (not public))

There are some scenarios where upgrading from a JRE version 8u361 or below to a newer JRE version of Java 8 may break some of the Windows registry keys for the Java Runtime Environment. The Java Uninstall Tool will repair such situations, regardless if a JRE is selected for uninstall or not.

 Added TLS Root CA Certificates Issued in 2022 (JDK-8341057)

The following root certificates have been added to the cacerts truststore:


  + ssltlsrootecc2022
    DN: TLS ECC Root CA 2022, O=SSL Corporation, C=US

  + ssltlsrootrsa2022
    DN: TLS RSA Root CA 2022, O=SSL Corporation, C=US

 SHA3 Performance Improved (JDK-8333867)

The performance of the MessageDigest implementations that belong to the SHA3 family (SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, and SHA3-512) has been improved by 6-27%, depending on digested message length and on the platform used. An additional 30-40% can be experienced on AVX-512 capable platforms due to new intrinsic implementations on that platform.

 Updated HSS/LMS Public Key Encoding (JDK-8347596)

The X.509 encoded format for HSS/LMS public keys has been updated to align with the latest standard outlined in RFC 9708. Notably, the additional OCTET STRING wrapping around the public key value has been removed. For compatibility, public key encodings generated by earlier JDK releases are still recognized.

 SunMSCAPI Provider Opens the Windows Local Computer Key Store in Read-Only Mode in Non-Elevated Processes (JDK-8313367)

The Local Computer key store is accessed using the CERT_STORE_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_FLAG. Since this store is typically managed by administrators for security reasons, processes are only given read-only access to specific private keys. By opening the store in read-only mode, non-elevated processes can now securely use these keys without requiring elevated permissions.

 Distrust TLS Server Certificates Anchored by Entrust Root Certificates and Issued After Nov 11, 2024 (JDK-8337664, JDK-8341059)

The JDK will stop trusting TLS server certificates issued after November 11, 2024 and anchored by Entrust root certificates, in line with similar plans recently announced by Google and Mozilla. The list of affected certificates includes certificates branded as AffirmTrust, which are managed by Entrust.

TLS server certificates issued on or before November 11, 2024 will continue to be trusted until they expire. Certificates issued after that date, and anchored by any of the Certificate Authorities in the table below, will be rejected.

The restrictions will be enforced in the JDK implementation (the SunJSSE Provider) of the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) API. A TLS session will not be negotiated if the server's certificate chain is anchored by any of the Certificate Authorities in the table below and the certificate has been issued after November 11, 2024.

An application will receive an Exception with a message indicating the trust anchor is not trusted, for example:

TLS server certificate issued after 2024-11-11 and anchored by a distrusted legacy Entrust root CA: Certification Authority (2048), OU=(c) 1999 Limited, incorp. by ref. (limits liab.),


If necessary, and at your own risk, you can work around the restrictions by removing "ENTRUST_TLS" from the security property in the configuration file.

The restrictions are imposed on the following Entrust Root certificates included in the JDK:

Root Certificates distrusted after 2024-11-11
Distinguished Name SHA-256 Fingerprint
CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority, OU=(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc., is incorporated by reference, O=Entrust, Inc., C=US


CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1, OU=(c) 2012 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, OU=See, O=Entrust, Inc., C=US


CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2, OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, OU=See, O=Entrust, Inc., C=US


CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G4, OU=(c) 2015 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only, OU=See, O=Entrust, Inc., C=US

DB:35:17:D1:F6:73:2A:2D:5A:B9:7C:53:3E:C7:07:79:EE:32:70:A6:2F:B4:AC:42:38:37:24:60:E6:F0:1E:88 Certification Authority (2048), OU=(c) 1999 Limited, incorp. by ref. (limits liab.),


CN=AffirmTrust Commercial, O=AffirmTrust, C=US


CN=AffirmTrust Networking, O=AffirmTrust, C=US


CN=AffirmTrust Premium, O=AffirmTrust, C=US


CN=AffirmTrust Premium ECC, O=AffirmTrust, C=US


You can also use the keytool utility from the JDK to print out details of the certificate chain, as follows:

keytool -v -list -alias <your_server_alias> -keystore <your_keystore_filename>

If any of the certificates in the chain are issued by one of the root CAs in the table above are listed in the output you will need to update the certificate or contact the organization that manages the server.

 SSLSessionContext Clarification Regarding Timeout Limit (JDK-4966250)

The javadoc for SSLSessionContext has been reworded to make it clear that when the timeout limit is exceeded for a session, the object is marked so that future connections cannot resume or rejoin the session. Active sessions can continue to be used so long as resume and rejoin operations are not attempted.

 Disabled TLS_RSA Cipher Suites (JDK-8245545)

The TLS_RSA cipher suites have been disabled by default, by adding "TLS_RSA_*" to the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms security property in the configuration file. The TLS_RSA cipher suites do not preserve forward-secrecy and are not commonly used. Some TLS_RSA cipher suites are already disabled because they use DES, 3DES, RC4, or NULL, which are disabled. This action disables all remaining TLS_RSA cipher suites. Any attempts to use cipher suites starting with "TLS_RSA_" will fail with an SSLHandshakeException. Users can, at their own risk, re-enable these cipher suites by removing "TLS_RSA_*" from the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms security property.

 Jarsigner Should Print a Warning If an Entry Is Removed (JDK-8309841)

If an entry is removed from a signed JAR file, there is no mechanism to detect that it has been removed using the JarFile API, since the getJarEntry method returns null as if the entry had never existed. With this change, the jarsigner -verify command analyzes the signature files and if some sections do not have matching file entries, it prints out the following warning: "This JAR contains signed entries for files that do not exist". Users can further find out the names of these entries by adding the -verbose option to the command.

 Disable UDP When udp_preference_limit Is Set to 0 (JDK-8333772)

udp_preference_limit is a krb5.conf setting to control how a KDC-REQ message is sent. If the size of the message is greater than the value of udp_preference_limit, TCP will be used; otherwise UDP will be used. Before this change, setting it to zero is ignored and the message is sent with UDP. With this change, setting it to zero forces the message to be sent with TCP. This behavior is consistent with other Kerberos 5 vendors.

 Flexible Constructor Bodies (Third Preview) (JDK-8338287)

Refactoring javac to support JEP 492 exposed some existing problems regarding local classes and static contexts. For example:

class O {

    static void foo(int x) { 
        class C { // in static context, so no enclosing instance
            void outer() { 
                System.out.println(x);  // capture x
        class U {
            static void test() { 
                new C();                // (a) 
    public static void main(String[] args) {

javac 23 compiles this program, but executing the classfile for class O throws an internal exception trying to create the instance at position (a).

javac 24 requires that any new expression creating an instance of a class C where C is an inner local class that appears in a static context, should appear in the same static context. Thus the new expression at position (a) results in a compile-time error.

There is a similar fix for new expressions that create instances of anonymous classes, that is, new expressions with class bodies.

A similar issue surrounds super constructor invocations in a local class that is in a static context different from the static context containing the superclass. For example:

class O {

    static void foo(int x) {
        class C { // in static context, so no enclosing instance
            void foo() {
                System.out.println(x); /* capture x */
        class I {
            static void i(int y) {
                class U extends C { // in static context, so no enclosing instance
                        System.out.println(y); /* capture y */
                var _ = new U();    // (b)
            public static void main(String[] args) {

javac 23 compiles this code, but executing the class file for class I results in a verifier error. There is no way to correctly instantiate class U, so the new expression at position (b) is always broken.

With javac 24, the class declaration of U results in a compile-time error.

 Minor Changes in Generated Code for Lambda Expressions (JDK-8336492)

Lambda expressions and method references are sometimes translated as methods by the javac compiler. As of this release, the name of the generated methods for non-serializable lambdas and method references has been updated. Such updates might be visible when inspecting the content of a class containing non-serializable lambdas and method references using core reflection.

Moreover, the EnclosingMethod attribute for local and anonymous classes declared inside lambda expressions has been fixed to be compliant with JVMS 4.7.7 which states:

In particular, method_index must be zero if the current class was immediately enclosed in source code by an instance initializer, static initializer, instance variable initializer, or class variable initializer.

This means that the following code:

class Outer {

    Runnable action = () -> {
       class Inner() { }
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       new Outer();

will now, correctly, print null. That is, the local class Inner has no enclosing method. Earlier versions incorrectly reported the enclosing method of Inner to be the generated method for the lambda expression.

 jlink --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH Requires Explicit --module-path Argument (JDK-8345259)

Starting with JDK 24, the jlink --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH option will require users to set the module path via the --module-path option. Prior to JDK 24, using --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH without --module-path could be used to create an image with all JDK modules from $JAVA_HOME/jmods. In JDK 24, to create an image using ALL-MODULE-PATH, it is required to explicitly set --module-path. To create an image with all JDK modules, use jlink --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH --module-path $JAVA_HOME/jmods instead.

 Disable "best-fit" Mapping on Windows Command Line (JDK-8337506)

Command line arguments to the Java launcher are no longer converted with Windows' "best-fit" mapping when the arguments include unmappable characters for the ANSI code page. This mapping has been intervening in the Java launcher's argument parsing. Unmappable characters are now replaced with the default replacement character, such as '?' in some cases. For rare cases, where applications need those unmappable characters on the command line, select UTF-8 in Windows Regional Settings.

 Adjust XSLT and XPath Extension Function Property (JDK-8343001)

The default value of the property for XSLT and XPath Extension Functions, jdk.xml.enableExtensionFunctions, has been changed from true to false, which disables Extension Functions.

If an application handles XML transformation with a stylesheet that uses Extension Functions, it may encounter processing error such as the follows:

Use of the extension function '[function name]' is not allowed when extension functions are disabled

by the secure processing feature or the property 'jdk.xml.enableExtensionFunctions'. To enable extension
functions, set 'jdk.xml.enableExtensionFunctions' to 'true'.

For applications that require extension functions, the solution is to set the property jdk.xml.enableExtensionFunctions to true. This can be done via the Transform API, e.g.

        transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();

        transformerFactory.setFeature("jdk.xml.enableExtensionFunctions", true);

Or in the JAXP Configuration File. A template for creating Strict JAXP Configuration File,, was provided in JDK 23 for developers to assess and prepare for this type of changes. To set the property, copy the template and create a custom configuration file:

cp $JAVA_HOME/conf/ /<my_path>/

Edit and change the setting as follows:


Furthermore, as a system property, the property can also be set on the commandline, e.g.:

java -Djdk.xml.enableExtensionFunctions=true myApp`

 Adjust JAXP Limits (JDK-8343004)

The JDK's XML Processing Limits (known as JAXP Limits) are adjusted to be more in line with general applications. In particular, the default values of the limits are tuned down to more closely align with known DTDs.

If an application processes XML documents that reference an extremely large DTD, it may encounter a parsing error such as the follows:

JAXP00010001: The parser has encountered more than "2500" entity expansions in this document;

this is the limit imposed by the JDK.

To resolve the issue, application may increase the limit via the JAXP API. Using DOM processor as an example, the following code increases the expansion limit to 5000:

DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

dbf.setAttribute("jdk.xml.entityExpansionLimit", 5000);

Or in the JAXP Configuration File. A template for creating Strict JAXP Configuration File,, was provided in JDK 23 for developers to assess and prepare their applications for the changes.

To set the property in the configuration file, copy the template and create a custom configuration file:

cp $JAVA_HOME/conf/ /<my_path>/

Edit and change the setting as follows:


As a system property, this property can also be set on the commandline, e.g.:

java -Djdk.xml.entityExpansionLimit=5000 myApp

The Java tutorial, JAXP Processing Limits, provides a debug solution that can be used to analyze the usages and estimate the limits.



Differences Between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK

Although we have stated the goal to have Oracle JDK and OpenJDK binaries be as close to each other as possible, there remain several differences between the two options.

The current differences are:

  • Oracle JDK includes GraalVM JIT as an optional compiler. OpenJDK does not.
  • Oracle JDK offers "installers" (msi, rpm, deb, etc.) which not only place the JDK binaries in your system but also contain update rules and in some cases handle some common configurations like set common environmental variables (such as, JAVA_HOME in Windows) and establish file associations (such as, use java to launch .jar files). OpenJDK is offered only as compressed archive (tar.gz or .zip).
  • Usage Logging is only available in Oracle JDK.
  • Oracle JDK requires that third-party cryptographic providers be signed with a Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Code Signing Certificate. OpenJDK continues allowing the use of unsigned third-party crypto providers.
  • The output of java -version is different. Oracle JDK returns java and includes the Oracle-specific identifier. OpenJDK returns OpenJDK and does not include the Oracle-specific identifier.
  • Oracle JDK will be released under the Oracle No-Fee Terms and Conditions License. OpenJDK is released under GPLv2wCP. License files included with each will therefore be different.
  • Oracle JDK distributes FreeType under the FreeType license and OpenJDK does so under GPLv2. The contents of \legal\java.desktop\ is therefore different.
  • Oracle JDK has Java cup and steam icons and OpenJDK has Duke icons.
  • Oracle JDK source code includes "ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms." Source code distributed with OpenJDK refers to the GPL license terms instead.