JDK 7u241 Bug Fixes

The following table lists the bug fixes included in the JDK 7u241 release:

# JBS Component Subcomponent Summary
1 JDK-8217676 client-libs   Upgrade libpng to 1.6.37
2 JDK-8222108 client-libs 2d Reduce minRefreshTime for updating remote printer list on Windows
3 JDK-8153732 client-libs 2d Windows remote printer changes do not reflect in lookupPrintServices()
4 JDK-8212202 client-libs 2d [Windows] Exception if no printers are installed.
5 JDK-8214702 client-libs javax.swing Wrong text position for whitespaced string in printing Swing text
6 JDK-8136506 core-libs   Include sun.arch.data.model as a property that can be queried by jtreg
7 JDK-8216401 core-libs   Allow "file:" URLs in Class-Path of local JARs
8 JDK-8197930 core-libs java.lang JNI exception pending in initializeEncoding of jni_util.c
9 JDK-8225425 core-libs java.net java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: net.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
10 JDK-8007395 core-libs java.util.regex StringIndexOutofBoundsException in Match.find() when input String contains surrogate UTF-16 characters
11 JDK-8023647 core-libs java.util.regex " abc1c " .matches( " (\\w)+1\\1 " )) returns false
12 JDK-8214687 core-libs java.util:collections Optimize Collections.nCopies().hashCode() and equals()
13 JDK-8203324 core-libs java.util:i18n Use out of scope in getMacOSXLocale of java_props_macosx.c:120
14 JDK-8206879 globalization locale-data Currency decimal marker incorrect for Peru
15 JDK-8147502 security-libs java.security Digest is incorrectly truncated for ECDSA signatures when the bit length of n is less than the field size