JDK 7u301 Bug Fixes

The following table lists the bug fixes included in the JDK 7u301 release:

# JBS Component Subcomponent Summary
1 JDK-7157680 client-libs java.awt XAWT: Native components should not paint native part on UPDATE event
2 JDK-8012224 client-libs java.awt AWT_TopLevels/TopLevelEvents/Automated/WindowIconifyDeiconifyEventsTest02 fails on Ubuntu 12.04 Unity shell
3 JDK-8255880 client-libs javax.swing UI of Swing components is not redrawn after their internal state changed
4 JDK-8242565 security-libs java.security Policy initialization issues when the denyAfter constraint is enabled
5 JDK-8235874 security-libs javax.net.ssl The ordering of Cipher Suites is not maintained provided through “jdk.tls.client.cipherSuites” and “jdk.tls.server.cipherSuites” system property.
6 JDK-8202343 security-libs javax.net.ssl Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1
7 JDK-8249867 xml jaxp XML declaration is not followed by a newline