April 17, 2018
The full version string for this update release is 1.8.0_171-b11 (where "b" means "build"). The version number is 8u171.
JDK 8u171 contains IANA time zone data version 2018c. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.
The security baselines for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at the time of the release of JDK 8u171 are specified in the following table:
JRE Family Version | JRE Security Baseline (Full Version String) |
8 | 1.8.0_171-b11 |
7 | 1.7.0_181-b09 |
6 | 1.6.0_191-b09 |
The JRE expires whenever a new release with security vulnerability fixes becomes available. Critical patch updates, which contain security vulnerability fixes, are announced one year in advance on Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Third Party Bulletin. This JRE (version 8u171) will expire with the release of the next critical patch update scheduled for July 17, 2018.
For systems unable to reach the Oracle Servers, a secondary mechanism expires this JRE (version 8u171) on August 17, 2018. After either condition is met (new release becoming available or expiration date reached), the JRE will provide additional warnings and reminders to users to update to the newer version. For more information, see JRE Expiration Date.
CipherOutputStream Usage
The specification of javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream
has been clarified to indicate that this class catches BadPaddingException and other exceptions thrown by failed integrity checks during decryption. These exceptions are not re-thrown, so the client is not informed that integrity checks have failed. Because of this behavior, this class may not be suitable for use with decryption in an authenticated mode of operation (for example, GCM) if the application requires explicit notification when authentication fails. These applications can use the Cipher API directly as an alternative to using this class.
JDK-8182362 (not public)
Enhanced KeyStore MechanismsTwo files, jre/bin/javaw.exe
and jre/bin/jabswitch.exe,
were not included in 8u171. As a workaround, users who need those files can download the non-server JRE and copy those files from it into their server JRE image.
See JDK-8203544
Enhanced KeyStore Mechanisms
A new security property named jceks.key.serialFilter
has been introduced. If this filter is configured, the JCEKS KeyStore uses it during the deserialization of the encrypted Key object stored inside a SecretKeyEntry. If it is not configured or if the filter result is UNDECIDED (for example, none of the patterns match), then the filter configured by jdk.serialFilter
is consulted.
If the system property jceks.key.serialFilter
is also supplied, it supersedes the security property value defined here.
The filter pattern uses the same format as jdk.serialFilter
. The default pattern allows java.lang.Enum
, java.security.KeyRep
, java.security.KeyRep$Type
, and javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
but rejects all the others.
Customers storing a SecretKey that does not serialize to the above types must modify the filter to make the key extractable.
JDK-8189997 (not public)
System Property to Disable JRE Last Usage Tracking
A new system property jdk.disableLastUsageTracking
has been introduced to disable JRE last usage tracking for a running VM. This property can be set in the command line by using either -Djdk.disableLastUsageTracking=true
or -Djdk.disableLastUsageTracking
. With this system property set, JRE last usage tracking will be disabled regardless of the com.oracle.usagetracker.track.last.usage
property value set in usagetracker.properties
JDK-8192039 (not public)
Additional TeliaSonera Root Certificate"TeliaSonera Root CA v1" has been added to the cacerts
JDK-8190851 (not public)
XML Signatures Signed with EC Keys Less Than 224 Bits Disabled
The secure validation mode of the XML Signature implementation has been enhanced to restrict EC keys less than 224 bits by default. The secure validation mode is enabled either by setting the property org.jcp.xml.dsig.secureValidation
to true with the javax.xml.crypto.XMLCryptoContext.setProperty()
method, or by running the code with a SecurityManager.
JDK-8186032 (not public)
3DES Cipher Suites Disabled
To improve the strength of SSL/TLS connections, 3DES cipher suites have been disabled in SSL/TLS connections in the JDK via the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms
Security Property.
JDK-8175075 (not public)
System Property Controls java.util.logging.FileHandler's MAX_LOCKS Limit
A new JDK implementation specific system property jdk.internal.FileHandlerLogging.maxLocks
has been introduced to control the java.util.logging.FileHandler
MAX_LOCKS limit. The default value of the current MAX_LOCKS (100) is retained if this new system property is not set or an invalid value is provided to the property. Valid values for this property are integers ranging from 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE-1.
See JDK-8153955
Change to Internal Java Package Names in RPM Installers
On the Linux platform, the names of JRE and JDK packages provided by Java RPM installers have been changed. Names of JRE and JDK packages follow `jre
and jdk
previously used. For example, the new names of JRE and JDK packages are jre1.8
and jdk1.8
On Linux platform, the names of installation directories of Java products have also been changed. The installation directories of products from the 8u171 release are as follows:
/usr/java/jre1.8.0_171-i586 for 32bit JRE
/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_171-i586 for 32bit JDK
/usr/java/jre1.8.0_171-amd64 for 64bit JRE
/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_171-amd64 for 64bit JDK
See JDK-8191608
The following are some of the notable bug fixes included in this release:
Server-side HTTP-tunneled RMI Connections Disabled
This release disables server side HTTP-tunneled RMI connections by default. The previous behavior can be re-enabled after due consideration of any impact by setting the runtime property sun.rmi.server.disableIncomingHttp
to false
. Note that this should not be confused with the sun.rmi.server.disableHttp
property, which disables HTTP-tunneling on the client side and is false by default.
JDK-8193833 (not public)
This release also contains fixes for security vulnerabilities described in the Oracle Critical Patch Update.
# | BugId | Component | Subcomponent | Summary |
1 | JDK-8179665 | client-libs | javax.swing | [Windows] java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location |
2 | JDK-8054213 | core-libs | java.lang:reflect | Class name repeated in output of Type.toString() |
3 | JDK-8189789 | core-libs | java.util.jar | tomcat gzip-compressed response bodies appear to be broken in update 151 |
4 | JDK-8153955 | core-libs | java.util.logging | increase java.util.logging.FileHandler MAX_LOCKS limit |
5 | JDK-8195748 | deploy | webstart | When in <application-desc> is present "progress-class" attribute javaws cannot start |
6 | JDK-8185036 | docs | guides | Typo in one of the content link of "Location-Independent Access to Resources" doc |
7 | JDK-8177914 | docs | guides | Links to jaxp.java.net in Java SE docs will be broken when java.net is shut down |
8 | JDK-8066866 | docs | guides | Supported Encodings page for Java SE 8 is out of date |
9 | JDK-8195813 | infrastructure | build | Change download.java.net links in java.net created pages from http to https |
10 | JDK-8198838 | infrastructure | release_eng | 8u171-b08 and 8u172-b08 Need SECURE_ID Promoted |
11 | JDK-8191608 | install | Java RPMs should allow for side-by-side installation of JDK and JRE, 32 and 64 bit, and only one update for each major version | |
12 | JDK-8193522 | install | install | meta-index in 1.8.0_152 does not include jfxrt.jar entries |
13 | JDK-8189350 | javafx | web | Crash due to ASSERT(url == m_string) fail while loading URL |
14 | JDK-8187568 | javafx | web | JavaFX crash in libjfxwebkit.so |
15 | JDK-8089124 | javafx | web | HTML5: Number input allows non-numeric input |
16 | JDK-8187671 | javafx | web | [WebView] Drag and Drop of text or html results in an image |
17 | JDK-8157686 | javafx | web | JavaFX WebView fails to track URL changes for PJAX websites |
18 | JDK-8185940 | javafx | web | Web native compiled files not removed during gradle clean |
19 | JDK-8186148 | javafx | web | Few extension to MIME type mappings are missing |
20 | JDK-8183928 | javafx | web | [Linux] Remove Warnings [-Wunused-parameter] |
21 | JDK-8196374 | javafx | web | windows x86 webview-icu isAlphaNumericString crash |
22 | JDK-8196677 | javafx | web | Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.18.6 changes |
23 | JDK-8187483 | javafx | web | Update to 605.1 version of WebKit |
24 | JDK-8189420 | javafx | web | Crash in :web:test in debug build |
25 | JDK-8089264 | javafx | web | DRT test fast/events/before-unload-returnValue.html times out |
26 | JDK-8194265 | javafx | web | Webengine (webkit) crash when reading files using FileReader |
27 | JDK-8194935 | javafx | web | Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.18.5 changes |
28 | JDK-8193798 | javafx | web | Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.18.4 changes |
29 | JDK-8197463 | javafx | web | Update libxml2 to version 2.9.7 |
30 | JDK-8150530 | security-libs | javax.crypto | Improve javax.crypto.BadPaddingException messages |
31 | JDK-8196952 | security-libs | javax.crypto | Bad primeCertainty value setting in DSAParameterGenerator |
32 | JDK-8186441 | xml | jax-ws | Change of behavior in the getMessage () method of the SOAPMessageContextImpl class |