Advanced Management Console (AMC) 1.0.1 Release Notes

Advanced Management Console (AMC) is a commercial product available for Java users who license Java SE Advanced or Java SE Suite. AMC is downloaded separately from the JDK and is available to customers from My Oracle Support (MOS) or can be downloaded from OTN.

For an overview of AMC, see the Advanced Management Console product page.

For AMC usage instructions, see Advanced Management Console 1.0 documentation.

What's New

AMC 1.0.1 is now bundled with JRE 8u31.

Bug Fixes

The following table lists the bug fixes included in AMC 1.0.1 release:

Bug Id Category Subcategory Description
JAMC-232 server data collector JUT parser not able to create app record for a specific large JUT record
JAMC-227 other   Java AMC usage tracking / logging JNLP issue
JAMC-143 client UI DRS Online help link is broken in DRSTool

Known Issues

On systems running Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Visual C++ DLLs are needed to start Advanced Management Console. If you get an error about missing msvcr100.dll or msvcp100.dll, or if AMC fails to start, try the following options:

Quick-start instructions shown in the help tab include the following example for enabling Usage Tracker: = localhost:19870

In the above example, localhost should not be used. Instead, use the host name or IP address of the AMC server.