Advanced Management Console 2.16 Release Notes

The Java Advanced Management Console (AMC) offers system administrators greater and easier control in managing Java version compatibility and security updates for desktops within their enterprise and for ISVs with Java-based applications and solutions.

AMC is available from My Oracle Support (MOS) and Java Advanced Management Console Downloads page. For an overview of the Advanced Management Console, see the Advanced Management Console product page.

What's New

See the What's New In Advanced Management Console page for descriptions of the additions to the Advanced Management Console features in all releases, so far.


Other Notes 

The following points provide additional information about this release:

Known Issues

The following table contains a list of known issues in the Advanced Management Console 2.16 release.

JAMC Number Description
1 JAMC-6107 agent failed to uninstall jre9 on windows
2 JAMC-4933 Web Enabled JREs may not been reported correctly for initial scan when jre version is the same as AMC agent bundled

Fixed Issues

The following table contains a list of issues that were addressed in the Advanced Management Console 2.16 release.

#   JAMC Number Description
1 JAMC-8498 Login Failure in AMC 2.15 with MySQL as backend
2 JAMC-8487 LDAP AMC error "Cannot update user's last viewed timestamp for Java Releases"
3 JAMC-8458 Update Copyright year to 2020 in AMC