Advanced Management Console 2.17 Release Notes

The Java Advanced Management Console (AMC) offers system administrators greater and easier control in managing Java version compatibility and security updates for desktops within their enterprise and for ISVs with Java-based applications and solutions.

AMC is available from My Oracle Support (MOS) and Java Advanced Management Console Downloads page. For an overview of the Advanced Management Console, see the Advanced Management Console product page.

What's New

See the What's New In Advanced Management Console page for descriptions of the additions to the Advanced Management Console features in all releases, so far.


Other Notes 

The following points provide additional information about this release:

  • Automatic Update of Advanced Management Console Agent

    When upgrading the Advanced Management Console to version 2.17 or later, and if the Agent Auto Update option is enabled, you must manually replace the signing certificate in the agent machine. For detailed steps, see Automatic Update of Advanced Management Console Agent.

  • Security Recommendations for WebLogic Server

    AMC requires that you keep your instance of WebLogic Server up-to-date with security patches. We also recommend that you subscribe to receive notifications of Oracle’s Critical Patch Update Advisories and Security Alerts. Refer to for instructions.

  • Java Plug-in Support in Browsers

    Java Plug-in support has been removed from Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers in Windows and macOS platforms.

    For additional information, see:

  • Java Web Start

    Java Web Start has been removed from Java SE 11 and later.

    For additional information, see: Java Client Roadmap Update

  • End of Support for Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.x

    Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.x Extended Support ended in Dec 2019 [1]. Therefore, AMC updates released after Dec 2019 require Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.x. AMC users running on WebLogic Server 12.1.x should upgrade to 12.2.x as soon as possible.


  • No Support for macOS Catalina

    Advanced Management Console Agent is not supported on macOS Catalina due to notarization requirement.

  • End of Support for Windows 7

    Microsoft will not support Windows 7 post January 14, 2020[1]. Consequently, Windows 7 will not be a supported platform for future releases of AMC.


  • Password Reset Support

    The password reset functionality added in AMC 2.17 does not support LDAP accounts.

Known Issue

The following table lists the known issue in the Advanced Management Console 2.17 release.

JAMC Number Description
1 JAMC-4933 Web Enabled JREs may not been reported correctly for initial scan when jre version is the same as AMC agent bundled

Fixed Issue

The following table contains a list of issues that were addressed in the Advanced Management Console 2.17 release.

#   JAMC Number Description
1 JAMC-6107 Agent failed to uninstall jre9 on windows
2 JAMC-8030 No way to filter for both FlightRecorder and AppCDS commercial features
3 JAMC-8042 Export AMC reports in JSON format
4 JAMC-8190 Provide a way to reset lost admin password
5 JAMC-8323 jictool jnlp from AMC WebUI failed to add Java 6u version
6 JAMC-8362 AMC Login should not proceed without entering password
7 JAMC-8404 "JRE Minor Version" is shown "Any"
8 JAMC-8446 LDAP AMC error "Cannot update user's last viewed timestamp for Java Releases"
9 JAMC-8450 Update OCSS client.jar used for signing AMC artifacts
10 JAMC-8454 Update Copyright year to 2020 in AMC
11 JAMC-8460 Upgrade to latest versions of third party libraries in AMC
12 JAMC-8464 Log agent id at AMC Agent start
13 JAMC-8470 Add macOS to supported platform in Configuration->Settings->Java Usage Tracking page
14 JAMC-8471 Ampersand '&' is displayed as '&' in AMC UI
15 JAMC-8474 AMC Agent Incorrectly Reports OS Properties
16 JAMC-8489 ☂ Message drop for locale specific strings
17 JAMC-8501 Failed to install non-enterprise jre9.0.4 on windows
18 JAMC-8522 Export data "by object" rather "than by line"
19 JAMC-8536 Impact on AMC because of OCSS signing certificate change
20 JAMC-8538 HTML Source Code is displayed instead of Warning Icon
21 JAMC-8542 JDK Installation using DMG Bundle on macOS is failing
22 JAMC-8544 AMC fails intermittently to unregister desktop after removing agent
23 JAMC-8545 Desktop Group detail needs to be added in all HTML, CSV & JSON Desktop report
24 JAMC-8547 Handle minimumPasswordLength configuration in Reset Password
25 JAMC-8549 Jictool fails to add Java versions above 9 with Selected Installer file is not a valid Java Installation File
26 JAMC-8570 Update Jersey version used at agent to 2.30
27 JAMC-8571 Push Jersey v2.30 artifacts missing in changeset of JAMC-8570
28 JAMC-8581 testGetAgentUpdateBundle test fails as AMCSigning.jar is present in the downloaded agent
29 JAMC-8593 Unable to get DRS in exported report post JAMC-8522 fix
30 JAMC-8613 Format correction required on java usage exported to JSON
31 JAMC-8614 OS Version Information is not correct in exported java usage report
32 JAMC-8620 [JICTool]The valid .exe jre installer file which is 6u can be imported successfully
33 JAMC-8627 Data interchanged for First Run & Last Run columns in JUT report