Oracle Java SE Embedded 8u51 Release Notes

JDK 8 Embedded Release Notes

These release notes describe its new features, platform requirements, installation, limitations, known problems and issues, and documentation for Oracle Java SE Embedded.

This document contains the following topics:

New and Changed Features

The following feature is included in this release:

  • The Application Class Data sharing feature that was introduced in JDK 8u40, is now included as a technology preview in the Java SE Embedded 8u51 release. This feature is included to allow embedded developers to experiment with this new capability but is not supported.

For more information on Application Class Data sharing, see JDK 8 AppCDS documentation.

Platforms and Requirements

See Oracle Java SE Embedded System Requirements.

Installing Oracle Java SE Embedded

Oracle Java SE Embedded 8 is a modular system that must be configured before launching by selecting components and creating a custom JRE to suit your device and applications, using the included jrecreate tool. See Oracle Java SE Developer's Guide.

Known Issues

This section describes known problems and issues in this release that are specific to Oracle Java SE Embedded. See also the Java SE 8 release notes for known issues, many of which also affect embedded platforms.

  • Regression: The VM option -XX:SharedArchiveFile={filename} must now be proceeded by -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions flag or the feature will not function.


This section describes limitations of Oracle Java SE Embedded.

Server Java Virtual Machine is not Universally Available

The server JVM described in Oracle Java SE Embedded Developer's Guide is only available on the following targets:

  • ARM v7 hard float
  • i586

Native Memory Tracking Support is Limited on ARM Targets

For ARM devices, the -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=detail java command line option produces a warning and defaults the setting to summary.

Learning Resources

The Oracle Java SE Embedded page on Oracle Technology Network contains information such as links to documentation, system requirements and FAQs. See

Oracle Java SE Embedded Developer's Guide contains information for both platform developers and application developers about how to create custom JREs and install them on custom devices and how to develop headless and headful applications for the custom JRE.