The Mobile Media API (MMAPI) extends the functionality of the J2ME platform by providing audio, video and other time-based multimedia support to resource-constrained devices. As a simple and lightweight optional package, it allows Java developers to gain access to native multimedia services available on a given device.
Each Java technology has an API specification, a reference implementation (RI), and a technology compatibility kit (TCK) associated to it.
Reference Implementation:
The MMAPI 1.0 RI is built on the CLDC 1.0.3 RI and MIDP 1.0.3 RI running on Windows 2000, and includes support for simple tone generation, tone sequencing, audio/video file playback and streaming, interactive MIDI, and audio/video capture. The MMAPI 1.0 RI source code, targeted at device manufacturers who want to port MMAPI to another platform, is available for download via the Sun Community Source License (SCSL) program.
Technology Compatibility Kit: The MMAPI technology compatibility kit (TCK) can be licensed from Sun to certify a MMAPI implementation on a specific platform. For more information about licensing terms.
Download the Sun Community Source License (SCSL).