The Security and Trust Services API for J2ME (SATSA) extends the security features for the J2ME platform, through the addition of cryptographic APIs, digital signature service, and user credential management.
This specification also defines the methods to communicate to a Smart Card, by leveraging the APDU protocol and Java Card Remote Method Invocation (JC RMI).
SATSA 1.0, (JSR 177): This specification defines a J2ME optional package to extend the J2ME security features and to enable J2ME applications to access the Smart Card.
Reference Implementation:
SATSA 1.0: This binary version of the Reference Implementation is based on the SATSA 1.0 specification. This is a complete working binary, bundled with the CLDC 1.0.4 RI and the MIDP 2.0 RI.
Application developers can use this binary to test their SATSA enabled applications.