EOPYY enhances security and performance with Exadata Cloud@Customer

Greece’s national health services provider improves performance by 40% and boosts availability and security using Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer.


Business challenges

Known locally as EOPYY, the National Organization for the Provision of Health Services is the hub of public healthcare in Greece. Founded in 2012, EOPYY managed to become one of the most powerful public sector organizations in Greece within a few years, offering exclusively computerized services across 12 critical applications with thousands of users. Its main role is to provide essential health services to about 95% of Greece’s total population by negotiating, contracting, and paying public and private healthcare providers. The organization also supports a healthcare provider registry, e-referrals, e-prescriptions, and claims processing and payments for inpatient and outpatient services.

However, EOPYY’s initial IT systems were based on standalone hardware and software that were deployed to work together. Commodity Intel servers running Oracle databases and WebLogic applications were colocated with another organization and kept growing to support the increasing number of users and transactions. The amount of data reached 10 TB. New operational requirements always needed to be addressed in a very dynamic environment.

EOPYY needed to increase application performance and reduce costs, while also assuring everyone about the safety of the data stored in its systems. EOPYY understood that a better infrastructure solution would increase performance and security and enable the organization to scale for future growth.

Why EOPYY chose Oracle

EOPYY selected Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer because it would enable adherence to data residency requirements in EOPYY’s local data center while leveraging Oracle Cloud automations to increase performance, availability, and efficiency.

In addition, the converged database system with computer network and storage would simplify administration. EOPYY could also scale capacity up and down depending on the application load to maximize performance or minimize costs.


EOPYY moved all 12 critical workloads with thousands of users to Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer and increased performance by 40%. Costs were reduced by 25% from consolidating workloads on less infrastructure and with fewer Oracle Database licenses.

Oracle Cloud automated common DBA tasks, such as encryption, indexing, and tuning. Therefore, EOPPY could leverage existing investments and skills in Oracle databases and middleware to avoid building and training a new administration team. This has helped EOPPY to proactively resolve potential problems but also to maintain data security and stay GDPR-compliant.

The high availability and scalability with Exadata Cloud@Customer has provided the organization the opportunity to plan and execute complex activities in a continuously changing environment without having to struggle for resources as was common before the implementation.


EOPYY’s successful migration to Exadata Cloud@Customer was supported by Oracle Consulting services and Oracle partner Intrasoft International

公開日:March 15, 2022