Oracle Analytics Geo 계층

커스텀 맵 계층을 통해 Oracle Analytics의 지리 공간적 기능을 활용해 보세요.

Oracle Analytics 맵 레이어

  • World Countries

    World Countries map layer with high fidelity boundaries.

  • Airports around the World

    Custom map layer showing airports worldwide using point geometry coordinates.

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  • India States

    India Map with latest States and their Boundaries.

  • Counties of USA

    Depicts map of USA with all counties and their boundaries. Sample .dva showing water consumption data per person for each county.

  • US Zip Codes

    Show zip code boundaries for mainland United States. Analyze data on Maps at zip code level in USA.

  • Arena Layout

    Map depicting arena layout in Oracle DV. Sample dva example included.

  • Floor Plan Map

    Non geographic custom map layer showing different rooms/sections on the floor plan.

  • France Departements

    Custom map layer for France showing all the latest departements within the country of France.

  • Washington DC (Metro)

    Example of line geometry depicting Metro lines in Washington DC. Sample dva project included.

  • Brazil

    Four different layers for Brazilian Territorial States, Mesoregions, Microregions and Cities shapes. Sample dva project included.

  • Spain

    Three different layers for the country of Spain including, communities, municipalities, provinces. Sample dva project included.

  • China

    leverage GeoJson for building your own China map visualization. Sample dva project included.

  • Matching U.S Cities

    Map layer for cities in USA. It includes ,City Name, Location (latitude & longitude), its State name and State code.

  • Canadian provinces

    Map layer for Canadian provinces. Sample dva project included.

  • U.S Hex Tile

    GeoJson hex tile U.S map layer. Use with any state driven data

  • Peruvian departments & provinces

    Sample map layer (geoJSON) for Peruvian departments & provinces. Sample dva project included.


    The NUTS classification (nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) is a hierarchical system for dividing up economic territory of the EU.

  • Mexico City

    Custom map layers for Mexico City, along with a sample project and dataset

  • Japan

    Map layer for the country of Japan, sample pre-built dv project included

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